Cheap Discounted Plants

(1/1) Cheap Discounted Plants


Discount Plants Australia

These plants are now available well below normal retail price. Many because we have had great success this year in propagating them and we are oversupplied. Get in quickly to make the most of these bargains before the year ends.

Discount Plants



$24.00 ($12.90-$59.00 choose a size)

The jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour along with their beautiful honey scented flowers makes it a very ornamental tree. Bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days. More Information: California Rare Fruit Growers Association.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea

Acerola - Florida Sweet

$29.00 ($14.90-$29.00 choose a size)

This bright red cherry like fruit has varying tastes during different stages as it ripens. When fully ripe the fruit is juicy and aromatic with its acid content giving it a sweet acid apple-like flavour. The tree can produce a number or crops each year, making for quite a long harvest season. Our selection is called the acerola Florida Sweet Cherry and is a pleasant eating variety that is not too sour. The acerola is well suited to pot culture where it can be kept to a smaller size. It could also be grown this way in cooler climates where it can be moved to a warmer position in the winter. A word of warning the foliage of the plant is covered in tiny irritating stinging hairs that can produce an allergic reaction. When pruning your trees wear a long sleeved shirt and a pair of gloves.
Buy 1+ @$29.00ea usually:$34.00ea

Photinia Red Robin


Fast growing evergreen shrub, with a dense habit, that responds well to pruning. New foliage growth is brilliant red in colour, changing to bronze-green as the season progresses and maturing to be dark green. Showy white flowers appear in clusters to be followed by small berries. Ideal as a long lasting hedge, a focal point shrub/small tree, topiarised, or in pots on balconies and courtyards in courtyards.
Buy 1+ @$9.75ea usually:$14.75ea

Pandanus - Edible


Widely cultivated for use in Asian cooking and basket making. It has a nutty fragrance and is most commonly used in rice dishes or tied in a bundle and cooked with food. Also useful in flower arrangements. A low growing plant to 1m with long narrow blade like leaves and woody aerial roots. In tropical climates it can be grown as a marginal plant in dams and ponds, used as a bedding plant in tropical landscaping. Outside of the tropics, well worth trying as indoor plant in winter with a warm, sunny aspect. Allow the plant to dry out over the winter months.
Buy 1+ @$29.00ea usually:$37.00ea

Yuzu - Grafted


Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees
Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Achacha - Grafted


Our local selection of the Achacha, grafted for earlier fruiting. Fruiting in our Biodome here in the Nursery. The fruit are tangy and refreshing with a delicate subtle sweetness, a fine balance between sweetness and acidity, producing an unusual taste sensation. Very moreish. Fruit should be picked mature, as it does not ripen further on storage. Originating from the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin in South America, the Bolivian name of the fruit is Achachairu and translated means honey kiss. Achacha is protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR) and cannot be grown or propagated without licence agreement with Achacha Fruit Group
Buy 1+ @$99.00ea usually:$129.00ea

Sudachi - Grafted


As well known as the Yuzu in Japan where this sour citrus originates it is considered an indispensable companion to eating matsutake mushroom. The freshly squeezed juice is used as an alternative to vinegar. Fruits form in tight clusters and are harvested when still green in Autumn although they do turn yellow-orange when fully ripe. Commonly used as a garnish the aroma is zestier than lemons or limes. This variety has some cold sensitivity and is best grown in sub-tropical to tropical areas.
Buy 1+ @$34.00ea usually:$44.00ea

Muscadine Grape - Noble


Most popular red muscadine grape for wine or juice production. It is self-fertile. Yields and disease resistance are high, and berry ripening is fairly uniform. Flavour is less musky than most muscadine grapes. Excellent fresh eating or good for wine making. Exclusive to Daleys this is a recently released Florida variety. They are vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland, as they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them.
Buy 1+ @$19.90ea usually:$24.00ea

Loquat - Nagasakiwase


The best Japanese variety so far, it has deep orange flesh, high flesh/seed ratio and very sweet flavour. Earliest variety to ripen. Thinning fruit will enhance fruit size. The Nagasakiwase often has 2 crops a year in the subtropics. The first crop in April / May then again in August. We have found by cincturing in summer, the August crop has a much larger crop and better fruit size.
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Silk Tree


This deciduous tree has beautiful pink fluffy flowers that are followed by a heavy crop of seed pods. It is a small tree perfect for yards with an attractive rounded and spreading crown. Fast growing.
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$17.90ea

Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet


A low chill, deliciously sweet and crunchy apple. Bears two weeks before Anna. On a semi dwarfing rootstock, ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens.
Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna


Delicious crunchy apples similar to their cold climate cousins, Red Delicious, but only require a low amount of chill. On a semi dwarfing rootstock they are ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens. Anna will set some fruit on its own, an added bonus for small areas. Pollinate with Dorsett Golden or Tropic Sweet for greater fruit set. An apple best eaten fresh off the tree as they are not a storing apple.
Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Dragon Fruit - Pearl


A spectacular night flowering cactus with highly ornamental pink skin & white fleshed fruit containing numerous small black seeds. Fruit can be up to 1kg with a melon like flavour. Self pollinating selection from Vietnam. Excellant pollinator for other Pitayas. Guide to planting bare rooted cacti. Please note, calloused cuttings are marked with an arrow, plant with the arrow pointing upwards.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.90ea

Lilly Pilly - Coolamon


A rainforest tree which is a threatened species in the wild. Plant in rich soil with adequate moisture. Attractive red-pink flowers with large white edible fruit formed on the trunk and branches called cauliflorous fruit development. The fruit has the freshness of Granny Smith apples with a somewhat dry texture. Likes to grow in riverine and gully like conditions in low altitude locations. The Coolamon reaches up to 25 - 40m with a 60cm trunk, acts as an excellent riparian zone rehabilitator
Buy 1+ @$9.90ea usually:$12.90ea

Loquat - Bessell Brown


Large to very large fruit with large seed. Thick, orange skin resistant to bruising with firm golden coloured flesh. Pleasant mild flavour. The tree is hardy and well suited to a range of climates.
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Guava - Brazilian


Pear-shaped fruit, with yellow skin, thick, pale-yellowish flesh surrounding the white central pulp, excellent strawberry-like flavor. It contains numerous small, hard seeds and is quite firm even when fully ripe.
Buy 1+ @$12.90ea usually:$14.90ea

Berry - Boysenberry


Juicy, tart, with bright red to almost black fruit with a dust-like coating and distinctive aroma. They are delicious eaten fresh or are used in pies and jams. One of the better performing trailing berries in the subtropics. Thorny
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Javanese Ginger


This species bears a striking similarity to Cape York Turmeric. It differs in that the flower bracts are a deeper pink/purple colour as is the dark strip that runs up the centre of the leaf. Often used medicinally, in Bali a delicious drink is made by cooking dried slices of rhizome in water with palm sugar.
Buy 1+ @$17.75ea usually:$24.90ea

Dwarf Mulberry - Majestic


Very low chill tree for the subtropics. The fruits of this mulberry are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. Prune your tree after fruiting to keep under 3mtrs, and to encourage multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. Fruit ripens over time, giving an extended harvest of delicious fruit. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. Remember it makes a wonderful temporary dye for children faces and hands! (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video ) Preferable to plant in the subtropics as in temperate regions, flowering is too early and yields are subsequently affected.
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Dragon Fruit - Aztec Gem


Aztec Gem is a very deep purple fleshed dragon fruit and tastes sweet and fruity. A moderate grower, Aztec Gem is self pollinating, if you are wanting more fruit you can hand pollinate. They flower at night and into the morning. The presence of moths will enhance pollination. Weight of fruit can be 300-400g.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$27.00ea Aramex Free Freight

Dwarf Apple - Rome Beauty


Heirloom red skinned apple eaten fresh, baked or for cider, fruit holds well during cooking. Partially Self fertile. The flavour is sweet and tangy Originating 1820 in Rome, Ohio. Worth trying in cooler areas of the sub-tropics. To increase yield cross pollinate with another variety, see suggestions below
Buy 1+ @$34.00ea usually:$39.00ea

Banana - Pisang Ceylon


A sweet, silky fruit have a creamy texture and is a favourite in India. Cold hardy and very sweet dessert fruits. The plant is attractive with maroon and black markings on the leaves.
Buy 1+ @$17.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Dwarf Cider Apple - Kingston Black


Produces a bittersharp juice, one of the best flavoured juices when making cider. Partially self fertile. Plant with Fuji, Monty's surprise or Cripps Pink for cross pollination. Dark red skin with some russet. On dwarfing rootstock.
Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Davidsons Plum - QLD


Outstanding small tree for warm position or indoors. Large pinnate leaves make it a striking specimen plant. The edible purple fruits have bright red flesh and make excellent jam. Prefers some shade. Fruits in the autumn and winter. The plum-sized fruit hang from the crown in panicles. Native to North QLD and SE QLD rainforests.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Leopard Tree


A very attractive tree that sheds its bark in large flakes, leaving a patchy grey and white effect on the trunk. Excellent garden specimen. Pruning is not necessary. Fast growing to 15 metres.
Buy 1+ @$15.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Loquat - Seedling


Seedling of the popular Nagasakiwase variety. Quick growing and hardy, bearing after 4-5years. Loquats are suitable for growing in a range of climates as they do well in the subtropics but are also ideal for temperate gardens.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Wattle - Raspberry Jam


Named for the strong aroma of the cut wood, this tree has many uses. Lovely flowering display in spring followed by edible seed in summer, useful resin and hardwood timber for tools. Native to south west WA, it is drought tolerant, prefers well draining soil, full sun, salt and frost, and attracts birds and insects. This tree is nitrogen fixing.
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Leptospermum Burgundy Queen


Few drought resistant shrubs can rival the color of 'Burgundy Queen.' Everything about it is majestic and burgundy. Its fully double flowers are intense dark burgundy and profuse, and the fine foliage of this large shrub is also burgundy flushed. It originates from New Zealand where it grows in a wide range of areas from peaty bogs to coastal and mountain regions. It is surprisingly adaptable, especially to arid sites and soils.
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$18.90ea

Colvilles Glory Tree


Known for its bright orange flowers that grow in large cone or cylinder shaped clusters. After flowering, the tree produces long, flat, woody seed pods. The tree has small deep green leaves, superficially similar to poinciana. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. Legume.Warning: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingestedHandling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reactionPlant has spines or sharp edges; use extreme caution when handlingPollen may cause allergic reaction
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Vetiver Grass - Monto


A non-invasive clumping type grass that does not produce viable seed. Excellent for erosion control as it produces a massive root system that grows straight down rather than out from the plant. It creates a sort of curtain beneath the soil, trapping sediment and slowing down the movement of water. Because the grass grows down instead of outward, it does not become invasive. The roots are very deep, so its best to decide carefully where to plant it because it is very hard to dig up. Watch this Youtube to show a great idea of hedging Vetiver and using it as mulch.
Buy 1+ @$12.90ea usually:$19.75ea

Waterfall Plant


This is a useful low growing plant with pretty, fine fern like foliage. Very suitable for a low hedge, in the rockery or in a hanging basket. Foliage hangs elegantly. Requires regular watering.
Buy 1+ @$12.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Tamarillo - Red


Also known as the Tree Tomato is a very quick growing small tree that bears heavy crops of red sub-acid succulent fruit. Prefers a sheltered spot with well drained soil.
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Leichhardt Bean


Rare native tree with beautiful 30cm sprays of yellow-orange flowers in summer. Drought resistant. Pigeons, parrots, cuckoos, silver eyes and Australian ravens feed on this species. Grows in coastal forests from Northern NSW to North Qld and ranges in height from 4 - 10+ m in height
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$17.90ea

Sudachi - Seedling


As well known as the Yuzu in Japan where this sour citrus originates it is considered an indispensable companion to eating matsutake mushroom. The freshly squeezed juice is used as an alternative to vinegar. Fruits form in tight clusters and are harvested when still green in Autumn although they do turn yellow-orange when fully ripe. Commonly used as a garnish the aroma is zestier than lemons or limes. This variety has some cold sensitivity and is best grown in sub-tropical to tropical areas. This product is a seedling grown tree.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea

Natal Plum


An ornamental shrub with large white star shaped fragrant flowers. The large edible plum has a soft pinkish flesh. Fruits are delicious eaten whole including their skin and seeds. The flesh is a sweet cranberry flavour and can be used fresh in desserts, ice cream, yogurt, cakes and sauces. Fruits preserve well as jams, jelly's and chutneys and can be frozen, dried or bottled. With its sharp thorns this shrub makes an effective and almost impenetrable hedge. It also makes a beautiful bonsai specimen. Trees are tolerant of salt and wind and do not have invasive root systems. Natal plum fruits are best left until they are fully ripe to eat, as the latex in under ripe fruit is acrid and an irritant and may cause reactions in some people.
Buy 1+ @$12.75ea usually:$17.90ea



A small, perennial, evergreen with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. Native to the Mediterranean region. It has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant. As a kitchen herb, sage has a slight peppery flavor.
Buy 1+ @$12.75ea usually:$17.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Fig - Deciduous


Deciduous strangling fig. Food source for the rare and endangered Coxens Fig-parrot and Wompoo fruit dove. This is one of the best fig for bonsai as it forms wonderful aerial roots, it also grows into a spectacular buttressed trees.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Cassowary Pine


This is a beautiful tree with large glossy leaves and stunning pendulous flowers. The flowers produce large quantities of nectar which attract lots of wildlife. Cassowary love feeding on the large fruits when in season. Also called the mango pine, this deciduous or semi-deciduous tree is found in New Guinea and Australia chiefly in coastal areas. The glossy leaves tend to be whorled at the ends of the branches, The fragrant white flowers are in long pendulous spikes and appear just prior to the new growth flush. Will grow as far south as subtropical Northern NSW.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$24.00ea

Banana - Williams Cavendish


Fruits are produces in very large bunches and are sweet and delicious. This banana is both wind resistant and cold hardy. It can take the least time from planting to harvest in comparison to other Cavendish cultivars. The pseudostem of Williams has dark brown, black or red streaks and young leaves also have red colourations. The Williams is a cultivar of the Cavendish banana arising in Queensland, Australia in 1910. It can be grown in temperate areas in a protected microclimate, like a enclosed garden, polyhouse or food forest style planting. This is the most popularly commercially grown Cavendish cultivar. It can take the least time from planting to harvest in comparison to other Cavendish cultivars on a plant between 2.4 - 3.5m high.
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Macadamia 741


Upright and open formed tree selected in Hawaii. It crops early in the season, and has been a proven performer. It has an excellent quality kernel when cooked. Susceptible to moisture stress so it will need regular watering especially when the nuts are forming. Has some tolerance to low minimum temperatures
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$54.00ea

Wattle - Cedar


A handsome fast wattle with ferny dark green foliage. New growth is a pink bronze colour and flowers are cream. A long lived wattle.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight
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