Black bird attracting fruit from Cryptocarya triplinervis

(1/5) Black bird attracting fruit from Cryptocarya triplinervis By Mark Marathon [CC BY-SA 4.0] (Photo Credits)

Cryptocarya triplinervis dense foliage

(2/5) Cryptocarya triplinervis dense foliage By Mark Marathon [CC BY-SA 4.0] (Photo Credits)

Three-veined Cryptocarya For Sale

(3/5) Three-veined Cryptocarya For Sale

Leaf of the Three veined Cryptocarya

(4/5) Leaf of the Three veined Cryptocarya

Three-veined Cryptocarya For Sale

(5/5) Three-veined Cryptocarya For Sale


Three-veined Cryptocarya

Cryptocarya triplinervis
Trees and Plants > Rainforest Trees > Riparian Trees > Three-veined Cryptocarya
An excellent small spreading tree for coastal planting or other sites with very good drainage. Dense clusters of small greenish flowers are followed by bird attracting black fruit.

$14.90 ($3.40-$14.90 choose a size)

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Specifications of Three-veined Cryptocarya

Preferred Climate SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

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These plants are often purchased together. Also check plant information for suitability in your orchard.

Dwarf Mango - King Thai

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A semi-dwarf tree making it ideal for backyards, it produces elongated fruits with a very small seed. Flesh is sweet, succulent, fibreless and aromatic with a slight tang. The fruits start out with green skin and ripen to yellow with pink-red blushed fruit. Compact, branching, slightly upright tree growing to 3-4m tall and 2-3m wide. Shows good resistance to anthracnose and black spot. The fruit of a clone of King Thai mango are sold commercially as Maha Bliss in Australian Markets.

Black Sapote - Colossal


Seedling selection from Kyogle, very large fruit and self pollinating. Seedless when not pollinated. Closely related to the Persimmon this attractive glossy foliaged tree produces a fruit often called the 'Chocolate Pudding Fruit'. Delicious when eaten as a desert with cream and a touch of Rum or vanilla.

Wax Jambu - Red

$34.00 ($34.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Red waxy skin with crisp white flesh. Highly ornamental as well as sweet and tasty. Fast growing tree bearing attractive red pear shaped fruit that is crunchy and refreshing on a hot summers day. A highly ornamental fruit due to its striking red colour. They generally don't have seeds but may on rare occasions, depending on pollination.

Fingerlime - Pink Ice

$40.95 ($40.95-$149.00 choose a size)

A medium size shrub producing red to burgundy coloured fruits with clear or pink pearls of juice inside. The aroma of the fruits is similar to ruby grapefruit, and is perfect for cocktails and drinks, as well as cooking. Bears fruit from summer to autumn, with the fruits being ready to harvest when they come very easily off the branch without any effort. It is a great variety for growing in containers and in warm courtyards, and does best in full sun. Water thoroughly in spring and summer.

Burdekin Plum

$14.75 ($3.90-$19.75 choose a size)

This close relative of the Mango is a native tropical rainforest tree. The deep purple, fleshy, plum-like fruits need to be held for some days to soften and mellow before eating. The flavour then is reminiscent if a prune with a hint of a Davidson's Plum to finish.Early settlers (probably taught by First Australians) were known to bury them in the ground which had the effect of softening them and increasing palatability. The fruit can be eaten raw, or used in wines, jams and jellies. The Burdekin plum is exceptionally hardy and can cope with long dry periods once it is established. It does however prefer free draining soil and lots of sunshine to perform well. Trees are monoecious and will usually set on their own, however they will produce much better yields if they are plants in small clusters of 2-3 trees.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Richmond Birdwing Vine

$19.90 ($4.90-$21.90 choose a size)

A large vine of temperate subtropical rainforests. The vine attracts one of the largest and most spectacular butterflies the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly which is considered an endangered species. This is the only food source for the catterpillars of this butterfly and is essential for the survival of the species. Plants require support on which to climb, a trellis, a fence or over a stump.
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