Fruit Trees


Generic Tree Guards

$3.90 ($3.90-$4.95 choose a size)

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These plants are often purchased together. Also check plant information for suitability in your orchard.

Carambola Starfruit - Daleys Sweet Gold


A very sweet, juicy selection that produces an abundant crop of medium sized fruit. Hard to surpass the flavour of this Daleys Nursery selection. Carambolas are also called Star Fruit and are excellent eaten fresh or juiced. Carambola trees have an attractive weeping habit, producing a profusion of pink flowers. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back

Dwarfing Tool for Cincturing or Girdling Fruit Trees


4.8 mm girdling tool. This Dwarfing Tool allows you to cincture or girdle fruit tree. Please see our video where we demonstrate how to use it.We think there are 2 essential tools for growing Fruit Trees. 1st is secateurs and the 2nd is this Dwarfing Tool.Uses- Dwarfing- Forcing plants to fruit quicker.- Fruiting outside of seasonal times- Alternating branches to fruit every 2nd year.The technique of cincturing or girdling fruit trees is a complicated topic that we try to make simple in this video because many of us like to push the boundaries of what is possible. It may look harmful but has been used by previous generations such as the Old Italian gardeners who knew how to get the most out of their backyard fruit trees.

Avocado - Sharwill (B)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A medium sized fruit with rough green skin closely resembling the Fuerte but slightly more oval in shape. The fruit has a rich flavour, good oil content and small seed. Sensitive to frost. H June, Aug The Sharwill represents up to 20% of all avocadoes grown in NSW, is a regular and moderate bearer with excellent quality fruit.

Nashi Pear - Nijisseiki

$52.95 ($49.00-$52.95 choose a size)

A heavy bearing variety. Medium sized round fruit of excellent eating quality with crisp, white flesh and yellowish-green, transparent skin and moderate sugar content. Will set fruit without pollination however the fruit is smaller.

Dwarf Lime - Tahitian


The small to medium fruit is pale lemon-yellow with smooth thin skin. The flesh is a translucent pale green, tender and juicy with a true acid lime flavour. It is best to pick the fruit green as it can suffer from rot if left to ripen on the tree.The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Avocado - Hass (A)

$54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Most popular variety due to both its superior taste and excellent keeping qualities. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. The leathery rough dark-purple skin turns to black when ripe. H Aug-Dec. Hass is an A type variety and for good fruit set a B type variety is needed for cross pollination. Suggested varieties to grow alongside a Hass are Shepard, Sharwill, Fuerte, Bacon (if you're in a cooler climate)and Linda. Happy fresh avocado smashing.

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