Grape - Carolina Black Rose
Vitis vinifera$19.75 ($15.90-$23.90 choose a size)
Specifications of Grape - Carolina Black Rose
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 1-2m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Yes
Amount of leaves in Winter? No Leaves (Deciduous)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas QLD, SA, WA
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Moderately Alkaline (7.4-8.0)
Fruiting/Harvest Months February
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Customer Tips & Reviews Grape - Carolina Black Rose
Ganmain, New South Wales, Australia
Grape - Carolina Black Rose
excellent plants and friendly service
Bardon, Qld, Australia
Just bought this one and repotted it. Looks like a twig with a few buds.
Glencoe, Toowoomba, QLD
Grape - Carolina Black Rose
This grape is the best of a wide variety i'm growing. Crispy big grapes with beautiful flavour. I've resorted to covering my bunches with cotton drawstring bags as soon as the birds are starting to take an interest.
Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
Want hardy home grape for vergola area - shade in summer and let sun in in winter.
KENMORE, QLD, Australia
A fantastic shade plant, it looks beautiful. Does not go dormant until early August, and only for a month. About 15 bunches of grapes in it's first year, 30 second year, only six in its third year. I also have a Maroo seedless on an archway, which frui...
Urangan, QLD, Australia
Currently in second year. Had some fruit last year 5-6 bunches of 5-30 grapes per bunch. Had to compete with ants for the ripe fruit. Fruit does not ripe at the same time on bunch therefore have to pick and eat individually. Very annoying all round. ...