Grape - Pink Iona
Vitis vinifera$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)
When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Nov and Jan. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in Mar and Apr. Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.
Specifications of Grape - Pink Iona
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm Temperate, Arid (Dry)Learn About Climate Zones
Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 1-2m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Yes
Amount of leaves in Winter? No Leaves (Deciduous)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas QLD, SA, WA
Water Requirements Drought Hardy (Little Watering)
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Moderately Alkaline (7.4-8.0)
Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March
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Customer Tips & Reviews Grape - Pink Iona
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
I have this variety covering a pergola. Easy to grow... nice tasting fruit
Cringila, NSW, Australia
UPDATE 2014: Mum got someone who didn't know how to prune it to do so, and butchered it.. So doesn't reach the top trellis anymore, but have shaped it back to one main cane, and new growth is gowing fineUPDATE 2012: My goodness.. So much fruit, r...
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
I have this variety covering a pergola. Easy to grow... nice tasting fruit
Well our grape vine is getting new shoots which after being dormant is so exciting. This is our first season. Hope it likes Sydney and the possums don't get to the fruit first
Paddington, NSW, Australia
only just bought it was alot smaller than the golden muscat vine i bought along with it but i have a feeling that this little one is gonna shoot up
Sippy Downs, QLD, Australia
Had some healthy growth last year but I have it near a large lime tree not sure if it gets too much shade.
Grape - Pink Iona
Vine grows beautifully all over my pergola, fruits in huge quantities, but very pulpy texture, I made wine from it last year and the results are very refreshing with it's own distinct aroma, very little problem with Downy Mildue