Grumichama - Black
Eugenia brasiliensis$19.75 ($18.75-$79.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Grumichama - Black
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg, Sometimes, Yes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas SA, WA
Suitability in Pots Yes with 35L+ Pot
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 4-5 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months October, November, December
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Customer Tips & Reviews Grumichama - Black
Grumichama - Black
hardy and vigorous growth upon arrival. Growing well in FNQ Wet Tropics.
Grumichama - Black
Plant struggling to grow in NE NSW whilst other tropical fruits thriving.
Grumichama Black Fruit Trees
Have had my trees in approx 4 years and this month the first monster harvest
Grumichama - Black
First tried in Townsville dry-tropics with low yield of small fruit. Transplanted some seedlings to Topaz (Atherton Tablelands, mean annual rainfall 3870mm. Fast, luxuriant growth in full sun with up to 2 crops per year of abundant, large, fruit (Mar+Dec)
I love the flavour of these fruits but the seed to flesh ratio is too high for them to be anything more than a novelty fruit, at this stage. I suspect the species is chill-sensitive as it gets the winter yellows (chlorosis) when the overnight temps are...
As good as a cherry tree , smaller and more tropic resistant . ! did not like the 40l pot much , produced fruit as soon as it went in the ground. This will do me till I get my dwarf low chill cherry trees happening .
Grumichama - Black
Growing very well on Atherton Tablelands deep red volcanic soil. Tree of 4 metres with good crops of very tasty but short lasting fruit. No irrigation used with rainfall of 1300mm.
TAMWORTH, NSW, Australia
RUNCORN, QLD, Australia
Sort of a bit so-so on this one so far. I was told it was a fast grower, but in the two years I've had it, it has maybe doubled in size from the 30cm plant that came from Daleys. It's healthy enough, I guess? Occasionally a few of the leaves will be bl...
Trying to grow fruits that have less susceptability to pests
Very pretty shrub/trees with glossy green leaves. Have just flowered for the first time, although only a few have set into fruit. Looking forward to trying them when they're ripe.
COBURG, VIC, Australia
Did quite poorly to begin with (dry/brown tips of leaves and not growing), probably because it wasn't sheltered. Once I gave it some protection from the wind it improved.
I have two of these planted close together in what should form a hedge one day. They have been growing very slowly, I think its going to be a long wait for fruit.
I only just got this plant and can't wait untill it shows it's first flower, Seems to be an easy plant to keep happy aslong as you remember to try to only watter with rain water otherwise it may show signs of tip burn from the ph beeing a bit high, I'v...
The grumichama was my first purchase from Daleys about 5 years ago. It is growing just north of Brisbane, hot and humid and about 2/3 the rainfall of Brisbane. It is not all that fussed over really. When it is dry it has to put up with being a bit t...
This came from Daleys and has been transplanted a couple of times since, even so, it is going strong. I have never tried the fruit but apparently it fruits in abundance and is a tropical variation of a cherry.
Sounds like a delightful fruit. Bought from online site, three out of four died from postal injuries (not Daleys, they have excellent postage services). Seems a fragile plant, avoid crushing. Has survived the Winter well, though no new growth as yet.
Melville, WA, Australia
No flowers as yet. Has taken a while to grow but I have patience.
Inala, QLD, Australia
Tastes like cherries, how fortunate to find a subtropical equivalent.
Sounds good, have never tasted one but i like the description. Still waiting for flowers/fruit! Has not been a very vigorous or healthy tree. Some of the leaves almost look variegated, could this be a deficiency in something?have now replaced the tree ...
Miranda, NSW, Australia
Arrived in August 2011, bit cold in Sydney intitially, but I have it in a black pot & it has just got a burst of new growth & looks good so far. Hasn't grown much over summer(2011 - 2012)
I love cherries and was trying to find a tropical substitute. I have five trees at various stages of development - from 1.5m to 20cm in height. New growth is red in colour
Nice tasting fruit provided the tree is well watered, otherwise it does not fill out and retains a turpentine taste. Fruits well after 10 years. Can get fruit fly in some years.
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
Slow growing, tough yet very attracive shrub or small tree. Little difficult to get established. First flowers appearing as of Nov 2009.
Brighton, QLD, Australia
Very ornamental little tree. Has not fruited yet. Well, I found one tiny fruit last summer :-) Sep 2011 - tree is in flowers now!!!Hope to have some fruit soon.Nov 2011 - harvesting my first crop!!! The fruit is very nice and sweet, love the flavour. A...
Got our first fruit in 2014 very nice th3 kids loved them. 2015 lots of flowers but they fell off.
TUCKOMBIL, NSW, australia
Looks great, while fruiting or flowering or just with its glossy green leaves. Fruits extreamly well. I make a great jelly our of the berries and my family and friends can never get enough of it. Fresh berries are delicous as well. Only problem...
Eatons Hill, QLD, Australia
It's a nice shrub with glossy leaves, but hasn't fruited yet...
Happy Valley, SA, Australia
sprayed with copper fungicide, but leave spot still lingering. Maybe doesn't like the colder winter we just had in Adelaide.
Keperra, QLD, Australia
Beautiful tree. Only in the ground a few months and taking off already. jsut a bit of Organic Xtra and regular watering has it glossy and flushing with new foliage.--------------------------------------------First fruit set 2011 - around 50 fruits - ta...
Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
Only about 2 ft high at this stage though I see it is already starting to flower. Looking forward to trying this fruit with great anticipation.A beautiful little tree.but still waiting for flowers!
Rathmines, NSW, Australia
Been in pot too long, about to put in ground - will hopefully make a revival. Revival achieved. Lots of new leaves and growth (well for a grumichama anyway).Covered in new growth as of August 2010. Can't wait to see what it will do over spring and ...
Santo Domingo, National District, DO
One of the most ornamental fruit trees, little maintenance , I just water it once in a while if it hasent rained for a few days.. not fruiting yet, but maybe next year, fingers are crossed.
Image Flat, QLD, Australia
Very small plant. Put in on our newly created mulch bank.Nov 2012. Now about 1.5 metres tall but still no fruit.1 Dec 2012. Lots of flowers on the bush. Here's hoping for a taste of them some time soon.
Cooks Hill, NSW, Australia
I have a hedge of black grumichama at my front fence. It is also the backdrop for my picking garden. Looking forward to ot flowering in spring.
EULEILAH, QLD, Australia
produces only few fruits, properly planted in a too shady spot.