(1/1) Jujubes starting to dry out on the tree. Delicious!
Jujube - Admiral Wilkes
Ziziphus jujuba
Late season cultivar with tiger tooth shaped, elongated fruit. Extends Jujube harvest into late autumn. Fruit has a good sweet flavour. This variety is very vigorous, growing into a very tall, very productive tree with a slightly pendulum shaped habit.... Read More
Caution: Rootstock suckering can be a problem with Jujubes. Best not to disturb ground around trees. Jujubes make great potted plants and this is a good way to not worry about suckers, as they are thorny. Repot every 2nd year when Deciduous.
event_busy When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Aug and Oct. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in Mar and Apr. Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.
Grown From Grafted