Lime - Kaffir
Citrus hystrix$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Lime - Kaffir
Preferred Climate Tropical, Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From GraftedLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes, Yes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Suitability in Pots Yes with 35L+ Pot
Water Requirements Frequent Watering, Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 4-5 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Perfect Drainage (Sand/Volcanic), Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Fertiliser All Purpose, Compost, Seaweed
Plant Width 2-4m
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Customer Tips & Reviews Lime - Kaffir
Lime - Kaffir
Initially suffered some broken leaves as I placed it in windy spot (in pot), now rectified. It's now looking happy and healthy with new leaves and flowers
Lime - Kaffir
Kaffir looked good on arrival. Use leaves in Asian curries, etc.
Lime - Kaffir
This plant I wanted to buy from nursery.I got it, growing good.
BROWN HILL, VIC, Australia
LOVE kaffir lime leaves, jazzed it up in a pretty pot given it a full sun position. This is a pipsqueak kaffir lime, only getting 1-2m
This is a grafted dwarf , poor thing doesn't get much light ,but soldiers on. Lives under the lemon tree in a pot , lovely herb .
Lime - Makrut (Kaffir)
Get bout 10 leaves, stack them together and finely slice all. You could chop again but not necessary. This is added to bread at the start of the dough making process. The taste and aroma when chomping on a chunk of this toast is truly divine.
Lime - Kaffir
My kaffir lime tree is flourishing and fruiting prolifically in my temperate garden, even though you recommend tropical, subtropical as preferred climate.
KADINA, SA, Australia
This is a beautiful, healthy small tree, I absolutely love the smell and flavour the leaves impart to dishes.
Leaves add the best flavour to curries. looking forward to making drinks with the fruits.
Bardon, QLD, Australia
Purchased from Diggers Club as a seedling - has been used consistently since planting for thai cooking. Fantastic flavour and grows beautifully. will need to prune this year for shape.
Growing well in my jungle, probably my fastest growing citrus.
This plant is hardy, I hardly water it and it seems to be growing fine. I fertilise it 2 times a year with Dynamic lifter and liquid fertiliser when I'm feeling generous. Not much branching , just getting taller
South Hedland, WA, Australia
Fourth Kaffir lime that I've grown. I gave away my third one that I was growing in Canberra as it would have been a hassle with Quarantine bringing it over.
Lime - Kaffir
A wedge of this marvelous lime in tea instead of lemon is really delicious.
Cooroy, Qld, Australia
We use it alot in cooking and I love the shape and dark clour of the leaves.
Fabulous looking tree, the fruit are all knobbly. The leaves make an excellent Indonesian curry. Susceptible to citrus gall wasp, have now got a sticky trap to see if this is successful in minimising the perpetual damage. Forever scraping or cutting ou...
Lime - Kaffir
Grate the actual lime and add to your icing sugar with a little water. Goes well with coconut cake
Doncaster, Vic, Australia
Thai cooking, e.g. Tom Yum Goong. Both leaves and zest add nice flavours
Update 09-Dec-2011: Got a few fruits. Not quite sure what to do with them. They are very fragrant. Will use them in Thai preparations. New pic attached.We use it for making Thai preparations. It has just recently flowered and is now forming fruits.
Burnside, VIC, Australia
I do a lot of cooking and always hated the fact that I had to fork out $5 to buy 5 kaffir leaves in the supermarket. One day I walked into a nusery and saw a 1.2 meter Kaffir tree for $20...that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. :) The sm...
Ormiston, QLD
Lime - Kaffir
FEED with plenty of worm juice. This increases the size of the fruit.
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
Grown in pot as only a small quantity of its leaves are need thoughout the year.
Lime - Kaffir
I strip the leaf a little and place it in my lemon vodka. Very refreshing in the summer
Adelaide, SA
In my humble opinion, this is the best citrus tree. Harvest the leaves and freeze or dry for the quintessential Thai curry ingredient. Also fruits (although mine too young yet). This one just had some leaves burnt in the heat wave, but the tree s...
Cook, ACT
Can use the leaves for tea, to flavour dishes, blended in sauces, in sorbet, in salads.
roleystone, wa, aust
beautiful looking tree, can provide shade to ther things, and indispensible in cooking
didn't survive oct13 firesEasy care - completely necessary in thai curries
MARSDEN, QLD, Australia
Easy to look after and adds a great flavour to curries. I also let it fruit occasionally and grate the rind into cool drinks in summer.
Mulbring, NSW, Australia
I love this tree, it has done very well despite cold winters.
Mossman, QLD
Lime - Kaffir
The zest and the juice and the flesh of Kaffir Lime make a wonderful Cello style wine which is a perfect mixer for cool drinks, cocktails and to give the "Thai" factor to spicy stir-fry's.Take a look at
Eagleby, QLD, Australia
Fantastic grower, easy to care for. Fruiting this year as well as abundance of leaves. Fertilize and prune when I do others. Old photo the tree is much nicer now.
North Sydney, NSW, Australia
Previous tree died but it was in a very exposed position. I purchased another last year and it's doing well.
Highfields, QLD, Australia
The aroma of kaffir lime in cooking is divine and I think I can keep it alive with a little more care!
South Maroota, NSW, Australia
Tough as nails, but loathe to plant in ground as it can be a devil.
Innaloo, WA, Australia
The rind of the kaffir lime is commonly used in Lao and Thai curry paste, adding an aromatic, astringent flavor. Its hourglass-shaped leaves (comprising the leaf blade plus a flattened, leaf-like leaf-stalk or petiole) are also widely used in Thai and ...
Eaton, WA, Australia
Purchased in 2008 to replace our original Kaffir lime which wasn't going very well. The first time I've seen Kaffir limes for sale in a nursery which were fruiting when for saleUpdate 2012 continues to fruit well- love the aroma from the the rind on th...
Upper Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia
It took a while to get going in our rather cool to cold climate and the terrible winds we've experienced in the last couple of years, but it held up very well in the record temperatures of January 2009.It will be providing us with beautifully scented l...
This plant very neglected! Have just pruned and got serious about looking after it. I only use the leaves - so I don't bother too much with it.Has not fruited yet.Feeding: see lemon - meyer
Cagayan De Oro City,philippines, 14148
Lime - Kaffir
Kaffir lime can be grown in cuttings in full need to put rooting hormone.
Lime - Kaffir
Treat as any other citrus. Water and feed regularly. Spraying for citrus leaf miner, a must. The leaves and the skin of the fruit, is used in Thai cooking in particular and has a characteristic flavour. Vigorous grower, beware of vicious spines.
M0a5nila222220, 5AS
Lime - Kaffir
Kaffir lime can also be used as an alternative mosquito repellent...