Tamarillo Red

(1/9) Tamarillo Red

Tamarillo Red fruits ripening on the tree with a rich red colour in Late Spring

(2/9) Tamarillo Red fruits ripening on the tree with a rich red colour in Late Spring

Red Tamarill plants are known for their very large leaves like this one growing right near Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

(3/9) Red Tamarill plants are known for their very large leaves like this one growing right near Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Tamarillo Red

(4/9) Tamarillo Red

Tamarillo Flowers at southbank parklands Brisbane

(5/9) Tamarillo Flowers at southbank parklands Brisbane

Being Grown in a pot at southbank parklands Brisbane

(6/9) Being Grown in a pot at southbank parklands Brisbane

Leaf of the Tamarillo Red

(7/9) Leaf of the Tamarillo Red

Tamarillo - Red For Sale

(8/9) Tamarillo - Red For Sale

Tamarillo - Red For Sale

(9/9) Tamarillo - Red For Sale


Tamarillo - Red

Cyphomandra betacea
Also known as the Tree Tomato is a very quick growing small tree that bears heavy crops of red sub-acid succulent fruit. Prefers a sheltered spot with well drained soil.
Other Names: Tree Tomatoe

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

Specifications of Tamarillo - Red

Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas SA, WA

Water Requirements Frequent Watering

Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m

Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years

Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%), Part (Sun:50-80%)

Preferred Soil Type Perfect Drainage (Sand/Volcanic)

Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)

Fruiting/Harvest Months June, July, August, September, October, November, December

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Achacha - Grafted


Our local selection of the Achacha, grafted for earlier fruiting. Fruiting in our Biodome here in the Nursery. The fruit are tangy and refreshing with a delicate subtle sweetness, a fine balance between sweetness and acidity, producing an unusual taste sensation. Very moreish. Fruit should be picked mature, as it does not ripen further on storage. Originating from the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin in South America, the Bolivian name of the fruit is Achachairu and translated means honey kiss. Achacha is protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR) and cannot be grown or propagated without licence agreement with Achacha Fruit Group
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Dwarf Persimmon - Fuyu (NA)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Fuyu is a semi-dwarf variety, well suited to growing in small backyards and can be kept to 2m with pruning. The fruit is large and flat, orange-red in colour with a sweet, mild flavour. Great eaten crunchy but just luscious when left to go soft. Besides producing delicious fruit, Persimmons are highly ornamental with their beautiful autumn foliage. Non astringent, so can be eaten when still hard. When young, protect from hot afternoon sun, and when dormant, from wet conditions. Seedless when grown on their own. If cross pollinating with another variety they can have seeds in the flesh as shown in the display picture.

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

$34.00 ($23.90-$99.00 choose a size)

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.

Pomegranate - Azerbaijani

$39.00 ($24.00-$99.00 choose a size)

The flavour of the arils of this variety is something else. Gulosha azerbaijani produces medium to large sized, slightly elongated fruit with a pinkish hue, but the internal arils surrounding the seed are deep red, large and very juicy.

Loquat - Nagasakiwase

$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)

The best Japanese variety so far, it has deep orange flesh, high flesh/seed ratio and very sweet flavour. Earliest variety to ripen. Thinning fruit will enhance fruit size. The Nagasakiwase often has 2 crops a year in the subtropics. The first crop in April / May then again in August. We have found by cincturing in summer, the August crop has a much larger crop and better fruit size.
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Yuzu - Grafted

$39.00 ($39.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees
Buy 1+ @$39.00ea usually:$49.00ea

Tamarillo - Red Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★★★ 3months ago


Tamarillo - Red

I really like Tamarillo and find them very expensive to buy so thought I would try to grow them myself, so far so good the tree seems to be well established, fingers crossed it produces well. Plant condition was great when I received it and I followed instructions on climatising etc.

★★★★★ 4months ago


Tamarillo - Red

Fantastic! Very healthy plant!!

★★★★ 11months ago


Fast growing and fast fruiting.

★★★★★ 1y ago


Tamarillo - Red

Strong growing healthy plant bought to replace older tree

★★★★★ 1y ago


Tamarillo - Red

One plant is thriving and doing really well The other is taking a little more time to settle in and I'm sure will be be fine with more time. Very happy with the plants

★★★★★ 1y ago


Tamarillo - Red

Growing good

★★★★★ 1y ago


Tamarillo - Red

Growing good

★★★★★ 2y ago


Tamarillo - Red

great plant

Yvonne Hunter
5y ago

Mount Warren Park, Qld, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

My Mother taught me how to stew the fruit and make a fruit sponge mixture then cook in the oven as a pudding. It was delicious.


★★★★★ 5y ago


I love tamarillos and home grown are a bit sweeter than shop/commercial ones, I think, and I don't need sugar with ours. A very easy small tree to grow - but needs shelter and/or support in windy weather. Loves a good feed and water. Fruit fly don't to...

Brad Macdonald
5y ago


Tamarillo - Red

My Grandfather used to make me ham and tamarillo sandwiches... the best...

Potty Bob 1
★★★★★ 6y ago


Second generation of this tree grown from cutting , growing in a bottomless pot , I will not do this again as it needs tying down so as not to blow over . Wife loves the red fruit .

★★★ 8y ago


had lots of these fruits as a child

★★★★ 9y ago

KLEMZIG, SA, Australia

Extremely fast growing and attractive plant, bought from Daleys and over 1m already.

★★★ 10y ago

Glenhaven, NSW, Australia

Beautiful flavour that is nothing like the rubbish you get from the supermarket. Sweet and juicy.


★★★★ 10y ago


Very unusual looking yet attractive plant with some very large leaves. I have it in the back corner of my yard in a corner which is sheltered from wind. Doesn't get a lot of sun in winter but will get plenty in summer. Has grown very fast and is loaded...

★★ 11y ago


Struggles to hold most of its fruit


★★★★ 11y ago

Rivett, ACT, Australia

I grew tamarillo previously on Mid Nth Coast NSW, and wanted to see if it would grow in Canberra. It has taken a few years, but now we have success! It's planted in front of a north facing brick wall.The winter frosts knock it back each year. First yea...

Simon Wadsworth
11y ago

Bracken Ridge, QLD, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

Remove the skin by placing in boiling water for a few minutes (same as tomatoes) then slice and place on toast. Sprinkle with a little sugar and enjoy!!!

★★★★ 12y ago

newcastle, nsw

have grown these before and love the taste, quick growing and fruit plentafully around newcastle

Sally Thomas
12y ago

Maidstone, VIC, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

Stew the peeled tamarillo's with a bit of sugar only takes about 10 minutes then spread a small amount of seeded mustard on a cooked bacon rasher and pour tamarillo sauce over the top. Delicious!!!

Lorraine Dinnington
13y ago

Aldershot, QLD, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

Being a new zealander I've always called this fruit a tree tomato which the family always used the pulp squeezed over a plate of icecream.Absolute heaven!

Kerri Paine
13y ago

Gosford, NSW, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

I had a Tamarillo years ago. Bought as a tiny seedling. Grew without drama in temperate region; fruited so well I need jam for the school fete; lost it after a few years (now I know it's sub-tropical I'll actually take care of next one).


★★★★ 13y ago

Carlton North, Vic, Australia

- Planted in August 2010- This has been growing extremely fast and has now (Dec 2011) dozens of small fruit on it- Have had some problems with ants farming scale and aphids etc.


★★★★ 13y ago


a bit slow to start when young in cool weather but unstoppable after that. a great low maintenance tree. planted in heavy clay soil, never watered or fertilised. seems to always have a few new flowers. 2 red and 2 orange planted 5 yrs ago. both oranges...


ahimsa cottage
★★★★ 13y ago

BRIGHTON, QLD, Australia

I love the large felty leaves of the tamarillo. I found due to its thirsty nature that it was a useful indicator for wateing the rest of my potted plants prior to planting them out -if i saw the tamarillo wilt then i knew the rest of the plants als...

★★★ 13y ago

Huntingdale, Vic, Australia

These are so expensive to buy so I thought I'd grow one after reading they fruited within 18 months of planting. Still no fruit- about a year old, 2 metres high.

★★★★ 13y ago

Cringila, NSW, Australia

Settling in happily and growing, in a bit of a precarious spot, near excavation and site of new retaining wall. Will just have to be careful :)DOH.. After presenting some small fruit and looking quite promising through summer 2012, it declined rapidl...



★★★★ 14y ago

Strathpine, Qld, Australia

What a wonderful small tree to grow in the Brisbane area. Prolific cropper with delicious fruit. More can be grown from seed (which I have had success with) and cuttings (which I have not). Fits in a small space and gives heaps of fruit.

★★★★★ 14y ago

Mt Claremont, WA, Australia

I eat Tamarillo's when they are in season with Greek Style Yoghurt for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They cost about $2 each, so my hubby tries to restrict the number I buy as it shoots the cost of grocery shopping through the roof.It would be so much...

★★★★ 14y ago

Epping, nsw

My little townhouse Peramculture garden is bursting with edible plants.  One of my favourites is the tamarillo: I have three in the garden (doing very well, despite a severe frost a couple of months ago) and one in a pot (not doing so well).  These v...

★★★★ 14y ago

Atherton, QLD, Australia

This fruit tastes like a cross between a passionfruit & kiwi friut, very refreshing & best eaten straight from the tree. My children love taking them to school as the deep red colored fruit always attracts attention from other students & teachers! 

★★★★★ 14y ago


the tree produces hundreds of fruits, excellent quality and full of vitamin c

★★★★ 14y ago


Shallow roots, won't take drying out.  Compost well.  Very brittle branches- protect from wind.  Fruit seem to resist fruit fly.  Protect from possums.  They love the fruit.  Pruning extends life of plant.

★★★★★ 14y ago

Rangeville, QLD, Australia

I planted out in autumn (not great for our climate) in north facing position against a fence for sun and frost protection and it's doing great!  It's 5 ft tall already, received very little damage through winter and I can see it about to go crazy!  ...

★★★★★ 15y ago

Vermont, VIC, Australia

Flowers susceptible to wind but other than that tree is very low maintenance.  Receives some water during hot spells.

★★★★ 15y ago

Bellbird Park, QLD, Australia

bought this tree in flower and will leave in the pot.It looked too stressed in a pot so planted it out and it is doing well. Not sure why it died but it did so


★★★★ 15y ago

WALLARAH, NSW, Australia

This tree is value for money.  I've grown a couple over the years and neve failed. My current one is very tall but producing copious amounts of fruit each year.  I've got some yellow seedlings ready to go out soon, can't wait to trry them also. Appar...


★★★★★ 15y ago

Macksville, NSW, Australia

My Tamarillo has flowers coming on. It is so exciting  to see them doing so well

★★★★ 15y ago

Valley Heights, NSW, Australia

doing surprisingly well over winter. grwoing stong and healthy.


★★★ 15y ago

COBURG, VIC, Australia

Originally started growing in a pot, but I couldn't get the drainage right as they hate wet feet.  I repotted a couple of times, and in the end gave up and gave it one last try in the ground.  It's a lot happier and grew quite rapidly over summer.  ...


★★★★★ 15y ago

LAWSON, NSW, Australia

They almost grow like weeds: great weeds though...


15y ago

Unanderra, NSW, Australia

Super fast grower, flowering within one year - but then packed it up and died for no reason :(

Reg Grady
18y ago

Nowra , N.S.W, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

Cut in half length ways and place on barbeque after cooking your meat.leave on hot plate till skin turns soft ,take off &scoop flesh out with asmall spoon.

Janet Blackmore
18y ago

Northfield, SA, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

They live for many years; our current one had a bad start - transplantings etc. Now we give it regular doses of liquified manure, PLENTY of water and it is full of fruit!

Tay Brownlie
18y ago

Milton, NSW, Australia

Tamarillo - Red

Keep them well staked or protected from winds, fast growing plant that crops well, easy plant to do cuttings from in spring,only a short lived plant(bout 4 years) fertilise well and you will have more fruit than you can handle. Yummy.

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