Vanilla Vine
Vanilla planifolia$29.00 ($24.00-$39.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Vanilla Vine
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Suitability in Pots Yes
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Part (Sun:50-80%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
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Customer Tips & Reviews Vanilla Vine
Vanilla Vine
Love this plant and hopefully it won't need the bit of root that broke when I was getting it out of the original pot. Oops!!
Was very surprised to see it survive and actively grow through winter 2023. Going to experiment with growing more by cuttings in micro-climates.
Vanilla Vine
I have always wanted to grow vanilla plant on my backyard. I put it under shade of bigger date palm tree. I watered everyday and have been exposed to the morning to mid sun. It grows well.
Vanilla Vine
Larger plant than I expected, I'm very very happy, wish me luck in keeping it alive, happy and productive.
Vanilla Vine
The specimen was very healthy transported well and happy in its new home. Thrilled with the purchase
Vanilla Vine
I'm interested in growing orchids in general, and the chance to grow an orchid that produces edible pods seemed like a good challenge.
Vanilla Vine
The plant was packed and dispatched swiftly. It arrived healthy and without damage. The customer service was excellent. I will certainly shop at this nursery again. Thank you for a pleasant tranaction.
Vanilla Vine
Thus plant did not do well. It had rot I am trying to save it but I think the rot has won
Vanilla Vine
Why I like this plant: I'm Interested in producing Vanilla beans. A useful vine orchid.
Vanilla Vine
Plant came in good packaging and was not damaged during transport. Plant looked healthy and vigorous. Can't wait to grow my own vanilla (hopefully). :)Thanks Daleys Fruit!
Vanilla Vine
I have decided to wait to plant this vine in the Spring, however this plant has already put on a quarter of its size in growth. Looking forward to seeing what it will do once the weather warms up
Vanilla Vine
I really like to grow my own herbs and spices. Living in SA I planted my vanilla vine in late autumn, due to our cold snap in weather, they are not thriving at the moment.
Vanilla Vine
My friend was wrapped with everything to do with the plant. I do love purchasing through Daleysfruit for every reason. Thank you
Booval, Qld, Australia, Australia
Vanilla Vine
Have been growing in a 30x30cm pot in 2 parts soil, 1 part orchid mix and 1 part cow manure. Its growing well except it started as 2 vines and one vine rotted at the base. Now it is a single vine but looking very healthy. I have a water catcher under it.
KEW, VIC, Australia
I cook and Im great at growing (Australian) Orchids. This one will be more of a challenge but a terrific reward
The idea of growing my own vanilla is so romantic, I have already practiced pollinating on another vine so I am very excited to get my own flowers, in a few years! haha. I have already researched the curing and drying process.
Was an experiment growing outside. Grew amazingly the first year, tripling its height! Unfortunately it rotted extensively the following winter. It surived, but never recovered, so eventually we removed it. We tried to grow its cutting inside, and it s...
Tingalpa, QLD, Australia
This guy has grown so quickly and is loving it's shady humid area, no flowers yet. It is growing well in a pot under a patio and I have just had 6 successful cuttings take root and form new leaves from this main plant. If you have somewhere to dark...
Cooroy, Qld, Australia
I would love to grow this orchid but know nothing about growing it, would it even think about growing in the humid sunshine coast ?
Living in a cooler area. its possible to grow vanilla indoors in the bathroom where there is high humidity. Have known of them to even set fruit.
Put mine ina100ml pot of decaying grass @ leaves from the garden i put in a bamboo 6foot stake and put it in a shaddy position it has grown to1.70 meters in afew months
I love vanilla. I got this off ebay a few months ago and had it in the green house but wasn't doing well. Now it is in a hanging basket on my front verada. It seems to be surving. Keeping my fingers crossed.
These have grown really quickly and are doing great. I spray every day with water to create humidity. Not sure how to get flowers so will need to do more research
BAMBAROO, QLD, Australia
Putting forth good growth but yet to flower or fruit. Only a young plant.
roleystone, wa, aust
touch of tropics, fascinated with epiphytes nad rainforests, and fresh vanilla is far superior if you're a foodie
Bardon, Qld, Australia
I love vanilla and my Aunt has had success growing this orchid. I would like to know how this plant is doing... but I can't remember where I planted it!