In Stock Farm and Forestry Trees

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Farm Trees

Plant List > Farm Trees

Wattle - Queensland silver

$18.75 ($3.90-$18.75 choose a size)

An attractive shrub with rounded silvery-white leaves producing clusters of large golden blooms. It is one of the earliest winter flowering wattles and responds to heavy pruning after flowering. Thrives on practically any soil. 5m
Aramex Free Freight

Sheoak - River

$2.75 ($2.75-$4.90 choose a size)

Riparian species, tall, elegant and a good choice for windbreaks and compacted soils with the added advantage of being nitrogen fixing. It is a conical evergreen tree with pendulous needle-like foliage.
Buy 16+ @$2.75ea usually:$4.90ea

Grevillea Silky Oak

$2.40 ($2.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
Buy 8+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Fig - Rusty

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A small to medium tree with a bushy habit. The dark green leaves usually have rusty brown hairs on the underside producing a fascinating colour change on windy days, but not always. Makes a beautiful shade tree, very hardy. The fruit is round, red and glossy when ripe, up to 2cm in diameter, with a smooth, pleasantly tasting flesh covering a centre with numerous seeds. Fruit quality varies with growing conditions.
Aramex Free Freight

Wattle - Gossamer

$2.90 ($2.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A small attractive tree with deep yellow spikes of flowers. Excellent fill-in between slower growing windbreaks. Upright, compact growth with slightly weeping branches.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Melaleuca - Swamp paperbark

$3.40 ($3.40-$4.90 choose a size)

This tall paper-bark is a common tree around coastal swamp areas. The white flowers appear in terminal spikes. Flowering is between to February to May, with some flower through winter. Warning This species is susceptible to Myrtle Rust (Puccinia psidiisl)It has been observed in the field with moderate to severe damage and will require ongoing treatment to control the rust. For more information follow this link.
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Pinto Peanut

$12.75 ($4.90-$14.75 choose a size)

Excellent legume groundcover for orchards, Pinto forms a thick, luxuriant mat 20-30 cm deep, with attractive yellow pea flowers; it suits frost-free areas and is moderately tolerant of shade. Will control weeds, soil erosion and also fix nitrogen in the soil building soil fertility. Guinea fowls love foraging for the nutritious peanuts.
Buy 2+ @$12.75ea usually:$14.75ea

Wattle - Fringe

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Fast growing, profusely flowering with small yellow balls. Foliage is light green with a soft appearance. Best used as a temporary fill-in for screens or windbreaks while slower growing trees develop. Native of south-east Qld and northern NSW. 5m
Aramex Free Freight

Eucalyptus - Spotted Gum

$3.40 ($3.40-$4.90 choose a size)

Hardy and Both the foliage and the trunks are beautiful, making it an ideal choice where the space is available. Well-grown stock should grow quickly, and provide beautiful character within a few years after planting. Hardy and durable timber used for multiple purposes. See
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Eucalyptus - Small fruited Grey Gum

$2.90 ($2.90-$4.90 choose a size)

A beautiful tall, elegant tree, 35 m or so high, with a tall, straight cylindrical trunk. Prized for the strength and durability of their timber. The bark sheds to the ground, there is no collar. Koala tree.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Vetiver Grass - Monto

$12.90 ($12.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A non-invasive clumping type grass that does not produce viable seed. Excellent for erosion control as it produces a massive root system that grows straight down rather than out from the plant. It creates a sort of curtain beneath the soil, trapping sediment and slowing down the movement of water. Because the grass grows down instead of outward, it does not become invasive. The roots are very deep, so its best to decide carefully where to plant it because it is very hard to dig up. Watch this Youtube to show a great idea of hedging Vetiver and using it as mulch.
Buy 1+ @$12.90ea usually:$19.75ea

Rough Barked Apple

$2.90 ($2.90-$3.90 choose a size)

A large spreading tree and resembles a rough-barked eucalypt. In summer mature plants are covered in fluffy cream flowers. Suitable for the larger town garden or rural property.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$3.90ea

Sheoak - Swamp

$2.90 ($2.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A strong growing species, native of wet sites. Well suited to use as a windbreak or as a shelter tree. Drought and frost resistant when established. Conical or rounded tree. Casuarina are nitrogen fixing plants
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Poplar - Cottonwood

$31.95 ($19.75-$31.95 choose a size)

An excellent deciduous farm tree, quick growing and can tolerate most soil types. Does not drop branches and retains leaf to ground level. Ideal for avenues, windbreaks and shade. Well adapted to a wide range of climates. Autumn colours are a deep golden.

Eucalyptus - River Red Gum

$2.95 ($2.95-$4.90 choose a size)

Iconic Red Gum, growing along inland rivers. Provides habitat and food for a wide variety of keystone species - mammals, bird and insects. Handsome, spreading and extremely long lived tree with smooth cream bark, often with brown, pink and grey strips with a short skirt of persistent bark. It has a widespread distribution along the Murray Darling river system, preferring clay soil and they are crucial in regulating water tables. They thrive when subjected to routine flooding, and suffer when this is removed. Limbs are known to fall without warning so should be planted away from habitation. Hollow bearing so a very important tree for hollow dependent nesting wildlife. Wood is tough and termite resistant.
Buy 4+ @$2.95ea usually:$4.90ea

Wattle - Cedar

$14.75 ($4.90-$14.75 choose a size)

A handsome fast wattle with ferny dark green foliage. New growth is a pink bronze colour and flowers are cream. A long lived wattle.
Buy 1+ @$14.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Tagasaste - Tree lucerne

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A valuable leguminous tree used for animal foliage, shelter and soil improvement. The high protein content of its foliage is excellent for animal fodder and at the same time improving soil fertility. Used extensively in permaculture as a multipurpose tree. Prefers well drained soil, but generally quiet hardy.
Aramex Free Freight

Eucalyptus - Plunkett Mallee

$3.40 ($3.40-$4.90 choose a size)

A small slender tree with a mallee habit with grey-green adult foliage. Showy white flowers Oct-Jan. Adapts to most soils in a warm site. This plant has a limited distribution in southern Qld and is considered rare in the wild. Protect from frost while young.
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Wattle - Black

$3.40 ($3.40-$18.75 choose a size)

This fast growing wattle has inconspicuous cream ball shaped flowers occuring in spring. A very hardy shade or shelter tree. Tolerant of most growing conditions. Good timber tree.
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Brush box

$3.40 ($3.40-$12.90 choose a size)

These trees resemble a eucalypt in appearance but the large green leaves and flowers are distinctive. It has the largest trunk diameter of most rainforest trees. The showy flowers have showy white petals. Fruit is bell-shaped with three valves. Australian Timber Database
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Eucalyptus - Swamp mahogony

$2.90 ($2.90-$4.90 choose a size)

A strong-growing, tough tree that does well in poor swampy or salty soil; also adaptable to a dry climate. The leaves are a very dark green, the bark is dark and rough, and pink flowers are produced in copious quantities. These trees produce nesting hollows as they age so are a great tree to plant in farmland, bush regeneration and even as landscape specimens
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Eucalyptus - Forest Red Gum

$3.75 ($3.75-$4.90 choose a size)

Frequently tall with a thick trunk gracing river flats on the east coast of Australia. Provides habitat and food for a wide variety of species - mammals, bird and insects. This is an important Koala food tree and as it is a hollow forming tree it provides nesting habitat for those species that depend on them for breeding. In areas of lower fertility and rainfall it can be stouter with a short trunk and heavily branched crown. To maximise the use of these trees by Koalas, an avenue planting providing an escape root from predators, including dogs and cattle, is very important. Long lived, helping to keep water tables low.
Buy 4+ @$3.75ea usually:$4.90ea


$3.90 ($3.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Seeds can be eaten after roasting or ground into a flour. The tuberous root is nutritious with an agreeable taste. A hardy tree for drier sites frequently grown for shade or stock fodder and as street trees in inland towns. Trees have a straight stout trunk and produce cream flowers in spring. Indigenous Australians used the bark fibres to make rope and string, the wood was used for fire sticks. A common tree in drier rainforests of the east coast.
Buy 4+ @$3.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Eucalyptus - Tallowwood


This tall tree is often found on the edge of rainforests. It has soft, fibrous, orange bark and a dense crown. Tallowwood is so named due to the greasy feel of the wood when cut, and is a known koala feed tree.

Eucalyptus - Swamp Bloodwood

$3.40 ($3.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Distinctive large shiny leaves and showy flowers borne in pendent panicles, ranging from white to pink, apricot or red. Large ribbed seed capsules follow. This is an attractive medium sized tree endemic to the Top End, from the Kimberly to northwest Queensland. Trees show good resistance to cyclone damage. Seeds are edible in their raw state.
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Eucalyptus - Dunns White Gum

$2.45 ($2.45-$3.95 choose a size)

A tall spreading gum, native to North Eastern NSW. The bark is shed in long strips revealing a smooth white bark, but is often scaly and corky at the trunk base. Highly recommended for quick growing forestry plantations.
Buy 4+ @$2.45ea usually:$3.95ea

Lemon scented gum

$2.90 ($2.90-$4.90 choose a size)

A clean straight tree of graceful appearance but often sparsely canopied. The smooth bark is a pinkish grey, and the leaves have a strong lemon scented odour when crushed.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Smother Grass


A shade tolerant grass providing thick cover of a soft, textured, broad-leaved lawn. Drought tolerant, resistant to weed invasion and only requires approximately 2 hours of sun per day. Useful in shady orchard inter-rows where a ground cover is desirable to resist erosion. Sub-tropical and perennial where it prefers good drainage. Best not mown too close to the ground. The variety is more suited for domestic lawns, parks and garden areas and should be used with caution near native bushland where it may out-compete delicate, native shade-tolerant herbs and grasses in the understorey.
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Sandalwood - Indian

$49.00 ($49.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Medium-sized hemiparasitic trees that attach themselves to the root system of nearby plants from which they extract water and minerals. Pinto Peanut and Acacia are suitable hosts as they are a legume and hence a natural nitrogen source. Keep Acacias pruned so they dont over take growth of Sandalwood. Used in the production of sandalwood oil, trees are harvested from 8 years and the entire tree is used for oil production including the roots and stump. The production of sandalwood in India and Nepal is strictly controlled by the government who owns all the trees, however illegal harvesting and smuggling is a problem due to the high value of sandalwood oil.

Giant Redwood

$29.00 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Spectacular, large evergreen conifer tree, with thick, deeply grooved, reddish bark. Long lived, up to 3000 years, and the largest tree by height and volume in the world. Crown is dense and cone shaped at the top with upward swooping branches. These trees need the heat from fire to cause the cones to open and disperse seeds. Male and female cones grow on the same tree. The thick bark protects older trees from fire damage. Native to the Sierra Nevada range of California.

Fig - Moreton Bay

$4.95 ($4.95-$18.75 choose a size)

This Fig can take two forms, as a magnificent, tall, spreading tree or as a strangling vine depending on where the seed lands. When the roots finally reach the ground they will start to encircle their host tree until they eventually strangle it and takes it place in the forest. The orange coloured fig turns a dark purple-red when ripe. The edible figs often appear in summer but can produce at anytime of the year and have a pleasantly fresh tart taste with numerous firm seeds. Long lived tree to 15m diameter in the open or 40m tall in a forest. Can also be grown as a Bonsai specimen.

Wattle - Bramble


Native to arid regions this is a hardy plant and valuable as food and shelter for native animals. During flowering the spiky branches are covered in clusters of strongly scented yellow flowers. Fast growing and relatively short lived, it grows to about 5-6m and lives for 10 - 15 years. The protein rich seeds of this nitrogen fixing plant are edible and are used in breads as well as ground into flour. This is one of the main sources of culinary wattle seed, due to its large, flavourful seed

White Bean


White Bean is a fast growing tree found on the Eastern seaboard, north from the Clarence River, NSW to North Qld and into SE Asia. It has a handsome form, as the tree develops an open branched structure, and the compound leaves cluster at the ends of the branches giving the foliage a feathery look. Attaining a maximum height of 35m and a stem diameter of up to 80cm when fully grown, it is a wonderful addition to rainforest regeneration plantings. It is well adapted to dry periods and does like good drainage in wet times.

Eucalyptus - Blackbutt


Identified by the stocking of rough bark, to about halfway up the trunk, above this is white smooth bark. Economically, it is one of Australia's most important hardwoods. Koala food tree. It can grow to approximately 40m and have a diameter of 3m. It is stunning to find large, old specimens of this Eucalypt which can be found growing naturally from Southern QLD to southern NSW.

Eucalyptus - Narrow-leaved Ironbark


An erect tree with hard deeply furrowed black persistent bark and narrowed drooping leaves. One of the important commercial timbers of Qld with hard reddish durable timber used for heavy construction. A slower growing eucalypt.

Eucalyptus - Flooded Gum


One of the noblest of the large eucalypts. Originates from high rainfall regions of Aust. Can reach up to 60m. Smooth whitish or blue-grey bark. Clusters of white blossoms.

Sheoak - Forest


Ornamental, slender, upright, medium sized tree with thick, corky bark and large flat topped seed pods. Handsome weeping tree for home gardens and parks. Important feed tree for the threatened Glossy Black Cockatoo which feeds on seeds. Foliage is gleaned for insects by small insectivorous birds. Suitable to most soils and situations. Fast growing and tolerant of moderate frosts. The timber is reddish pink to brown. It is prized by woodworkers and woodturners as a rare and exotic timber, often used in wood turnings, knife handles and other specialist items. Casuarina are nitrogen fixing plants

African Mahogany


An excellent plantation timber tree for woodlots and farm forestry. Large usually deciduous tree growing to 30m in height. It has a smooth thick trunk, up to 1m in diameter with dark grey bark. It has glossy pinnate mid green leaves forming a thick canopy. Small creamy white blossoms are followed by small woody capsules to 8cm follow in the warmer months.

Eucalyptus - Sydney Bluegum


This fast growing, elegant gum is valuable in plantation forestry. The white bark is often rough at base and smooth above. Favours hill slope locations and warm humid conditions. Natural distribution along the coast and nearby ranges of New South Wales and Queensland.

African Mahogany - East

$12.90 ($3.90-$12.90 choose a size)

Fast growing with a straight trunk it is an excellent shade tree for stock. It is also very ornamental due to the dense canopy. Prune off the lateral branches to stimulate faster growth. The rich, red timber has distinct annual growth rings in it, it is easy to work and one of the most famous timbers for cabinet makers. Large logs were traditionally used for dugout canoes. Protect from frost when young.

Eucalyptus - Scribbly Gum


A medium sized tree with smooth white bark that is marked with blotches and scribbles. A primary Koala tree in its natural range which includes dry Eucalyptus forest or swampy areas along the east coast.

Eucalyptus - Gympie Messmate


Gympie messmate is an important commercial wood products tree in Queensland that produces high quality, strong, extremely durable and attractive timber. Although only small volumes are harvested from native forests in Queensland, it has a well-established market, and is in demand nationally. Gympie messmate timber from native forest has been used for a range of construction, engineering, appearance products and round timbers.

Desert Ash

$9.90 ($9.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Turning golden in autumn, this tree makes a great spreading shade and ornamental tree. It is used as a rootstock for the Claret Ash.

Swamp turpentine

$3.90 ($3.90-$9.90 choose a size)

Excellent farm tree for shelter and shade. Grows in most soils including swampy situations. Frost resistant. Older trees provide an ideal site for birds and wildlife shelter.

Bloodwood - Red

$2.95 ($2.95-$17.90 choose a size)

A fast growing tree suitable for use as a street tree and park planting. Tolerates a wide variety of soils provided adequate moisture is available in the establishment period. Flowers are quite ornamental and showy since they are produced on the outside of the canopy. Copious nectar production attracts a wide range of both invertebrate and vertebrate fauna. Seeds are eaten by cockatoos. Glider possums actively scar this tree and trunk and branches to access the sap flow for food. Older trees develop hollow bearing branches which provide breeding and roosting opportunities for a diverse range of species.

Turpentine tree


Ideal windbreak tree or excellent specimen for parks. Provides insect and water resistant timber.Australian Timber Database

Eucalyptus - Grey Ironbark


A dark trunked forest tree with grey furrowed bark. When in flower, the nectar is attractive to birds and insects, and is used in honey production.

Melaleuca - Fine Leaf Melaleuca

$3.95 ($3.95-$12.90 choose a size)

Evergreen tree with weeping habit and whitish papery bark. Bears long creamy-white flowers in bottlebrush spikes. Ideal for wet boggy areas.

Eucalyptus - Red mahogony


Has reddish brown, stringy bark, persisting to the smaller branches. Red mahogany is well regarded for its high quality timber, being very hard, heavy, and having dark-red heartwood.

Eucalyptus - White Gum


It grows as a small to medium tree from 5 to 18 m high with a spreading crown of 5 to 15 m. The short trunk is often bent and has smooth grey to white powdery bark. Freshly-exposed new bark is pink.

Eucalyptus - White Mahogany


Well regarded for the high quality of timber. Somewhat similar to tallowwood but not as greasy. The wood is resistant to termites.

Melaleuca - Golden Gem

$2.95 ($2.95-$9.95 choose a size)

A gold leaf form of Melaleuca bracteata the beautiful golden foliage make it an excellent landscaping tree.

Melaleuca - Revolution Green


A green leaves form of Melaleuca bracteata with attractive white flowers this is an excellent landscaping tree.

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$1.00 ($1.00-$1.00 choose a size)

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Pod Mahogany



Wattle - Queensland silver

$18.75 ($3.90-$18.75 choose a size)

An attractive shrub with rounded silvery-white leaves producing clusters of large golden blooms. It is one of the earliest winter flowering wattles and responds to heavy pruning after flowering. Thrives on practically any soil. 5m
Aramex Free Freight

Sheoak - River

$2.75 ($2.75-$4.90 choose a size)

Riparian species, tall, elegant and a good choice for windbreaks and compacted soils with the added advantage of being nitrogen fixing. It is a conical evergreen tree with pendulous needle-like foliage.
Buy 16+ @$2.75ea usually:$4.90ea

Grevillea Silky Oak

$2.40 ($2.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
Buy 8+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Fig - Rusty

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A small to medium tree with a bushy habit. The dark green leaves usually have rusty brown hairs on the underside producing a fascinating colour change on windy days, but not always. Makes a beautiful shade tree, very hardy. The fruit is round, red and glossy when ripe, up to 2cm in diameter, with a smooth, pleasantly tasting flesh covering a centre with numerous seeds. Fruit quality varies with growing conditions.
Aramex Free Freight

Wattle - Gossamer

$2.90 ($2.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A small attractive tree with deep yellow spikes of flowers. Excellent fill-in between slower growing windbreaks. Upright, compact growth with slightly weeping branches.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Melaleuca - Swamp paperbark

$3.40 ($3.40-$4.90 choose a size)

This tall paper-bark is a common tree around coastal swamp areas. The white flowers appear in terminal spikes. Flowering is between to February to May, with some flower through winter. Warning This species is susceptible to Myrtle Rust (Puccinia psidiisl)It has been observed in the field with moderate to severe damage and will require ongoing treatment to control the rust. For more information follow this link.
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Pinto Peanut

$12.75 ($4.90-$14.75 choose a size)

Excellent legume groundcover for orchards, Pinto forms a thick, luxuriant mat 20-30 cm deep, with attractive yellow pea flowers; it suits frost-free areas and is moderately tolerant of shade. Will control weeds, soil erosion and also fix nitrogen in the soil building soil fertility. Guinea fowls love foraging for the nutritious peanuts.
Buy 2+ @$12.75ea usually:$14.75ea

Wattle - Fringe

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Fast growing, profusely flowering with small yellow balls. Foliage is light green with a soft appearance. Best used as a temporary fill-in for screens or windbreaks while slower growing trees develop. Native of south-east Qld and northern NSW. 5m
Aramex Free Freight

Eucalyptus - Spotted Gum

$3.40 ($3.40-$4.90 choose a size)

Hardy and Both the foliage and the trunks are beautiful, making it an ideal choice where the space is available. Well-grown stock should grow quickly, and provide beautiful character within a few years after planting. Hardy and durable timber used for multiple purposes. See
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Eucalyptus - Small fruited Grey Gum

$2.90 ($2.90-$4.90 choose a size)

A beautiful tall, elegant tree, 35 m or so high, with a tall, straight cylindrical trunk. Prized for the strength and durability of their timber. The bark sheds to the ground, there is no collar. Koala tree.
Buy 4+ @$2.90ea usually:$4.90ea

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