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Air layering white sapote (forum)

7 responses

Phil@Tyalgum starts with ...
Am about to attempt to air layer a white sapote. Does anyone have any successes or failures with this method? My Vista is exploding with new growth and some vigourous branchlets are coming out at awkward angles. It would be a shame to waste them, but I don't have enough seedlings to use as rootstock. I layered a unique loquat a few years ago which did well, can't hurt to try.
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Time: 27th November 2012 11:39am

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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Gumnut says...
thats how i would do it. Im going to start putting a few on my home orchard too.lol Looks fun.

Time: 27th November 2012 1:35pm

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Original Post was last edited: 27th November 2012 1:35pm

About the Author Gumnut
Newcastle NSW
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I saw Paul Recher demonstrate a quick method on a lychee once. He filled a ziplock bag filles with sphagnum moss, sealed it, slashed one side longways and applied it to the girdled branch, fixing with cable ties. That way the whole exposed area was in contact with the medium in the bag.

Time: 27th November 2012 1:38pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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lenn says...
Would a split PET bottle not be as good with its added rigidity

Time: 27th November 2012 2:04pm

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About the Author lenn
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Actually I just found "rooter pots" online, seem to make the whole thing easier.. have ordered some from Gardenexpress

Time: 27th November 2012 2:15pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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BJ says...
Yes, rooterpots look great. I've got a few but have not tried them as yet. I'm sticking a few on my Eleagnus sp. (Taiwanese Sweet Olive) as its got to go, but I'll take a few layers to send to other collectors who have the space for it plus pollinators.

Time: 27th November 2012 2:26pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Nice to know that your tree will live on..

Time: 27th November 2012 2:28pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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BJ says...
The White Sap should be fine air layered if in a well drained area or pot. I'm not fond of any air layered plant in heavy soil or low spots...

Time: 27th November 2012 8:13pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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