aplle trees (forum)
1 responses
shane starts with ...
hi, does any body know if an apple tree will grow in a tropical climate.
Time: 8th January 2008 4:58pm
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About the Author shane
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Elizabeth says...
Shane, apple trees can potentially grow in a tropical climate, especially apples such as 'Anna', 'Dorsett Golden' or 'Tropic Sweet', which were bred with this purpose in mind. It really depends on how cool your winters are - basically, all apples require an approximate number of 'chill hours' to fruit well (or at all) as well as a suitable cross pollinator. A chill unit is roughly one hour below 7 degrees celcius. The apples I mentioned above are about 200-300 hours chill I think. There are also some other comparitively lower chill apples such as 'Pinkabelle' (a Pink Lady type apple), 'Gala', 'Granny Smith', 'Fuji', 'Sundowner' - however, these probably require about 400-600 chill hours. It really depends what type of winter you get (if any).
Time: 8th January 2008 5:20pm
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About the Author Elizabeth
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