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Avocado flowering (forum)

50 responses

Sean starts with ...
Hi I have a next door neighbor that has an Avocado seedling that I thought was a bit interesting because it only seems to flower in Autumn. It is setting good sized fruit so I thought it might be a good tree to graft if it fruits out of season. Just wondering is it very common for Avocados to do their main flowering in Autumn?

Time: 8th May 2012 5:41pm

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About the Author sean
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Jason says...
Hi mate, not very common but this year at least half of my trees are flowering now. It's not the variety, it's this year being a bit odd. My Fuerte's are just about in full bloom right now

Time: 8th May 2012 11:03pm

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About the Author Jason
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Seann says...
Yeah I would have thought that too but it did exactly the same thing last year as well and when I checked it in spring,it hardly had any flowers at all. Two years in a row sees to be a bit of a pattern.

Time: 8th May 2012 11:54pm

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About the Author sean
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VF says...
This year my Shepards' (type B)flowering is out of sync. with Lamb Hass and Rincon (type A's). The S has gone crazy and the LH and R are only just producing buds - is there a reason for this?
Also, am thinking of getting a Pinkerton (semi-dwarf A). Anyone know of problems with this tree/fruit? Cheers.

Time: 6th September 2012 9:55am

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About the Author VF
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denise1 says...
According to temperature and other factors including rain, An avocado can still set fruit without a pollenator. There is a smaller time of flower stage overlap with just one tree, which is helped if you have good weather and enough bees etc.

Time: 6th September 2012 10:44am

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About the Author denise1
auckland NZ
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VF says...
Keeping my fingers crossed Denise - at the moment warm and dry days, and someone has set a hive up across the road in bush-land, so I'm getting alot of bees. Hoping for some eventual overlap of flowering.

Time: 6th September 2012 11:34am

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About the Author VF
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Brendan says...
I hate to skite, but at the moment I have 5 type 'A' and 3 type 'B' avocado trees with heaps of flowers! :-)
Hope they all know what they're supposed to do?

Time: 8th September 2012 8:46am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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VF says...
I'm feeling envious now Brendan! (LOL). Not really, I'm glad yours know what to do - going to go have a big talk to mine;)

Time: 8th September 2012 2:11pm

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About the Author VF
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VF says...
Looking like I'll have poor fruit set this year :( Brendan, noticed on another thread you were interested in a giant avocado. I can get giant Avo's at local growers market - is variety called "Anaheim". Fruit can get to just shy of 700g. Quality fair to good. Is a pear-shaped rough-skinned green variety, and is suited to cooking as not mushy. I've got a fruit ripening ATM weighing 580g, and it is darn big! If you want the seed, I can send it. If you're really keen, I can try track down the grower or give contact no. of Growers Assoc for you to.

Time: 17th September 2012 6:04pm

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Original Post was last edited: 17th September 2012 6:05pm

About the Author VF
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John Mc says...
Scion's would be better VF but not always available. Seeds are too variable and take forever to fruit.
I have grafted 8 avo's over the past 3 weeks and all are looking good, including 2 scions that had their flowers removed.

Time: 17th September 2012 7:34pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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VF says...
Good luck with your grafting! What varieties do you have? I'm looking at getting another variety, and am dithering between Pinkerton and Hazzard. (I'm preferring dwarf/semi-dwarf). Any recommendations?

Time: 17th September 2012 7:45pm

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About the Author VF
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John Mc says...
My fav at the moment is the Secondo. It has gone beserk in growth since the day it was planted. It's been the fastest growing avo I have. Some say it's called a secondo because it fruits in it's second year? If it keeps going the way it is, it will, it is covered in flowers. Apparently they self pollinate very well as well. I took a cutting from this tree soon after it arrived and is also doing well, grafted onto a seedling I had at the time.
I spray all my avo trees with antirot every 4 weeks without fail. I must say, I haven't lost a tree since I started the treatment, around a year ago.

Time: 17th September 2012 8:31pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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VF says...
Hmmm, that Secondo does sound good. I suppose I could be a bit ruthless, and keep the height down with selective pruning. Thanks John Mc, I may have to re-think my selection.

Time: 17th September 2012 11:57pm

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About the Author VF
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Brendan says...
Two of my seed-grown avos in flower.
The yellow leaves usually fall off to expose more flowers, makes good mulch too.
The tree in pic 2 has hardly any leaves at all, just covered in flowers :-)
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Time: 22nd September 2012 8:28am

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Original Post was last edited: 22nd September 2012 8:31am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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VF says...
Wow Brendan, picture 2 especially is pretty amazing. How old are the trees? What are your favourite avo's? Just eaten some Hazzards today, and they were really good - my husband has decided for me that he wants me to plant this one, as it's the best he's eaten.

Time: 22nd September 2012 11:01pm

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About the Author VF
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Brendan says...
Hi VF, my favourite avo would have to be the Edranol, although I can't remember eating a Hazzard.

These two avo trees would have to be about 36 years old or more. Being seed-grown, they grew into massive trees, I've been gradually pruning them back, but the one in pic 2 is still over 6m tall!
I took some pics of the trunk(s):-)
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Time: 23rd September 2012 7:54am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Jason says...
Edranol is very good, I'd have to say Reed is the best, it has a really subtle poached egg flavour on top of the normal mild avocado taste. Hass is almost one of the elite in taste too, not quite as good as some but it makes the most fruit.

Time: 26th September 2012 12:12pm

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About the Author Jason
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Mike says...
If I were rate my varieties according to taste of the fruit it would be hard to separate reed and shepard with hazzard and wurtz also good and a feather behind in quality.Sharwil was a shy bearer no better than any of these before it volunteered for mulch patrol.

Time: 26th September 2012 12:50pm

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amanda says...
I like Hass because I prefer the drier texture and the sort of dense, nuttier flavour....is Edranol the drier type flesh too..?

I am not a fan of the wet, sort of slimey, insipid types... :-(

Time: 26th September 2012 4:19pm

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About the Author amanda19
Leschenault (160kms south of Perth)
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Brendan says...
Hi amanda, here's what Daleys say about the Edranol:

"The flesh is a buttery yellow creamy flesh with a delicuous flavour. The skin is dark with bright green bumps and is rough textured. It grows best in coastal areas, in inland regions the skin turns russett brown."

Like Jason, I too like the Reed. And Mike's choice of Shepard is very good too.

Time: 27th September 2012 9:07am

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About the Author Brendan
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Jason says...
.. Yesterday I went to dig out and remove a random Avocado seedling that came up a few years ago in my mothers rose garden. Only to find it was flowering! so it's been given one years grace to see how the fruit is. First time I've ever had a seedling flower and it's not actually that old, very strong tree too, it's the same height as the gutter on the house roof, it maybe 5 years old I guess.

Time: 27th September 2012 2:03pm

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About the Author Jason
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Brendan says...
Good stuff Jason, it might be the new 'Jason' variety! You could make a small fortune under the Plant Breeders Rights like Mr Lamb did with his Lamb Hass :-)

As you would know Jason, seed-grown avo trees usually grow into huge trees, one of mine was over 12m high before I gave it a haircut :-)

Time: 28th September 2012 8:41am

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Original Post was last edited: 28th September 2012 8:50am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Jason says...
Always worth a shot to grow out a seedling especailly in the Avocados case. I only have good varieties so chances are good for a decent cross. There's another smaller Avocado tree right beside it that has very very unusual leaves, almost round. I can't remember how the seed got there or where it came from but lets see how this one is and before I move it I'll make some grafts of it (and of the smaller one)

Time: 28th September 2012 3:07pm

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About the Author Jason
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J says...
Sounds like you a new "jason" variety avocado, jason. Flowering 5 years from seed in vic.. that's pretty good.

Time: 28th September 2012 3:17pm

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About the Author J
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VF says...
Jason, interesting how you notice a slight egg taste in Reed, I taste it in Hass - my husband has always thought I was weird (probably am anyway,lol!) That's great about your flowering seedling - sounds like you have something worth experimenting with, especially if it produces decent fruit. Wonder if your mum was putting something special on her roses that the seedling responded so well to?
BTW my year old Lamb Hass has over a dozen set fruit. I don't expect the tree to hold on to them, but it bodes well for ?next year.

Time: 4th October 2012 6:46am

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About the Author VF
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Brendan says...
Hi VF, your Lamb Hass is only 1 year old and has fruit? WOW! What have you been feeding it? How tall is it?

My 3 year old Lamb Hass flowered this year (for the first time), but has no fruit set :-(

Time: 5th October 2012 7:39am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Boris Spasky says...
VF, what pollinator do you have for the lamb hass?

Time: 5th October 2012 7:42am

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About the Author Boris Spasky
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VF says...
Brendan, I live on side of Tamborine Mt about 100m lower in altitude than where the commercial Avo growers are, so it may be some environmental thing happening. Also bought truckloads of the red volcanic soil from the plateau - very nutrient rich and free draining and added lots of organic matter. Just gets regular fert. such as Citrus/fruit, B & B, Sulph. Potash etc. Does get ,(I hate to say this), dog poop - I dig small holes under my fruit trees and fill them and re-cover with mulch. No hands involved - just pooper scooper and shovel. Mulch always thick so no weeding.

Boris, pollinator is Shephard. They're about 4.5 m apart - probably too close, but I plan to keep tree size contained.

Sorry, nearly forgot, tree is about 145cm. Was a Birdwood plant, black bag sized.

Time: 6th October 2012 7:58am

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Original Post was last edited: 6th October 2012 9:58am

About the Author VF
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sean says...
HI guys just thought I would put some photo's up of the tree I was talking about in the beginning of this topic. All of these fruit set last Autumn and it has barely stopped flowering since. This tree is in the middle of the Latrobe Valley Gippsland so not bad going for a seedling.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Time: 6th October 2012 2:36pm

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Original Post was last edited: 6th October 2012 2:44pm

About the Author sean
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Brendan says...
Looks good sean, one problem with seed-grown avos, they 'usually' have huge seeds! Please post a pic later on showing one of those ripe avos cut in half.

To tell if your tree is a type A or type B, follow my tip here: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_determine_type_'A'_or_type_'B'_avocado_trees

You can also hold the string (with nut) above a branch, still works. Yes I know it sounds a bit 'voodoo', but trust me. :-)

Time: 7th October 2012 8:58am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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sean says...
Thanks Brendan
I have seen some mature fruit on it that looked a good size and spoken to the owner and they told me it tasted nice. The main problem in my cold climate is getting them to set fruit, I have a mature Ettinger, Gwen, Ryncon and Bacon and none of them set anything like as much fruit as this tree has. If the tree turns out having fruit with a big seed so be it, I will just be happy that it has so much fruit set.It might turn out ok, all Avocado cultivars started from a seed.

Time: 8th October 2012 8:26pm

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About the Author sean
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amanda says...
Hey Brendan :) Look what I found hiding in the forest on our new patch! a little sad looking isn't it!?
I think it's suffering from intense competition from the surrounding natives...lack of water and potassium/food...?

I have given it a big soak and a small feed to start with...and cleared out much over the overgrowth.
It has started to flower :)

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 9th October 2012 12:13pm

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About the Author amanda19
Leschenault (160kms south of Perth)
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Brendan says...
Very good amanda. To check if it's a type A or B, see my post above.

Yes, I'd say it could do with a bit of sulphate of potash, I'd give it a bit of phosphorus as well. If it's flowering, some liquid potash will help too :-)

Forgot to ask, can you see if it's grafted or not? (it might be)

Time: 10th October 2012 10:55am

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Original Post was last edited: 10th October 2012 10:57am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
It's either a Bacon or a Hass Brendan - as the previous owner thoughtfully left me all the plant tags for the trees here... :)
Both grafted according to the tags...only one avo tree here tho - so one lost. This one quite big (but spindly)

Time: 10th October 2012 11:24am

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About the Author amanda19
Leschenault (160kms south of Perth)
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amanda says...
Lol Brendan - I can't believe I tried that trick - hehe the Hass in the pot rotated and the plant in the ground swung...?
Back to front - but anyway Hass will produce all by itself (I am told by a guru with a Nursery over here..) so it's no drama.

Time: 10th October 2012 11:35am

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About the Author amanda19
Leschenault (160kms south of Perth)
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Jason says...
Amanda, I would have said that tree of yours is a seedling from a Hass but given only the options of it being a Bacon or Hass then I'm sure it's a Hass. Bacon doesn't have narrow leaves where they attach like Hass does.

Time: 10th October 2012 5:24pm

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About the Author Jason
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sean says...
Should be easy to tell, the Bacon will have an AnIse smell if you crush some of the leaf.

Time: 10th October 2012 8:09pm

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About the Author sean
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amanda says...
Thanks guys! Clever bunch :) No anise smell either sean.
Hass seems to do well down here. I am surprised tho - as the locals reckon Jarrah die back is in the area..? This tree is a good size and apart from being starving - it looks just fine..?

Fingers crossed it stays that way...

Time: 11th October 2012 12:04pm

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About the Author amanda19
Leschenault (160kms south of Perth)
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VF says...
My misbehaving Shephard is trying to atone itself by bringing out a second lot of flowering - is anyone else having same experience? (It's too little, too late now though as Lamb Hass passed flowering and is tail end for Rincon.)

Time: 22nd October 2012 10:31am

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About the Author VF
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Mike says...
VF that is normal for shepard if too few fruit set the first time around.

Time: 22nd October 2012 10:57am

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VF says...
Thanks, I was hoping it was something like that, not something more nasty.

Time: 22nd October 2012 7:55pm

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About the Author VF
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Brendan says...
Found this among the Hass avocados at woollies, looks like a Pinkerton to me?
What do youse think?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 24th October 2012 9:41am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Jason says...
Can't tell without seeing the skin really

Time: 24th October 2012 5:07pm

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About the Author Jason
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Brendan says...
Jason, the skin was a bit rough, but was a half green-black colour when ripe.

Time: 25th October 2012 7:35am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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J says...
Curious, my two year old fuerte is flowering.. I thought it took 5 years before Fuertes flowered in Vic.

Time: 8th November 2012 10:24am

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About the Author J
Upwey Melbourne
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Jason says...
Big difference between flowering and fruiting!:) It's a little bit too cold where I am for Fuerte to set fruit, should be OK in Melbourne as I know they are ok in Mount Gambier and it's only a couple degrees warmer there

Time: 10th November 2012 1:52am

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About the Author Jason
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amanda says...
That Avocado I found in the jungle is looking heaps better now Brendan! It even has some tiny fruit...not that I expect them to hang around - but u never know...?
I can't see a pollinator anywhere nearby...so it's looking even more like it must be a Hass..?

Time: 15th November 2012 10:30am

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About the Author amanda19
Leschenault (160kms south of Perth)
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Brendan says...
Good stuff amanda, hope you get something off the tree.

I had about 2000 avos on my trees, about the size of grapes, but we've had strong winds recently that has belted off about 1300 fruit! Grrr! Not happy jan!

Has the avo tree in the pot flowered? Might pay to stick it in the ground ;-)

BTW, woollies here in Mky is now selling Hass from WA! Very nice too.

Pic 2 are the new Yates Summerstar tomatoes :-)
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 16th November 2012 8:06am

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Original Post was last edited: 16th November 2012 9:50am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Brendan says...
Hey Jason, just letting you know my Lamb Hass and Shepard avocado trees are flowering at the same time (now).
Not bad hey, Lamb Hass is a type A, Shepard is type B :)
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 9th July 2013 8:29am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Jason says...
That's excellent Brendan maybe youll get a good crop, how's winter treating you? Is not yet 10pm here and already 1c !. Going to be a cold one tonight.

Time: 9th July 2013 9:54pm

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About the Author Jason
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Brendan says...
Hi Jason, I could say 'What winter?' We've had showers nearly every day/night, not that cold at all really, coldest morning so far was 5

Time: 16th July 2013 9:43am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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