Avocado root rot treatment options (forum)
1 responses
Wodez starts with ...
I have a hass that has root rot.
I’m looking for options or anyone with opinions/experience with the issue.
I would prefer an organic option but not sure if that’s possible. And I won’t be eating fruit from it for another 2 years if I’m lucky so I guess it doesn’t matter. But if I find an organic option I would possibly use it 3-4 times a year as a preventative during the year on all my avocados.
I have done a bit of research and found options including replacing soil and using potassium phosphonate fungicide, hydrogen peroxide drench or bleach drench.
I have started using hydrogen peroxide whenever I water it, which I don’t water it very often as I am trying to let it dry out. I also added phosphorus “root health” fertilizer. But it still seems to be declining.
I’m going to have to pull it out of the pot and replace the soil, just wondering what additive might be best.
Time: 11th December 2022 9:44pm
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Original Post was last edited: 11th December 2022 9:45pm
About the Author Wodez
Avondale heights 3034 Vic Aust
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TareqMelbourn says...
Try Yates 500ml Anti Rot Fungicide as leaf spray, it is not organic but works. Make sure your potting mix is free draining by adding sand, or other materials like perlite ...etc. if in ground, be careful with the mulch not to touch the trunck to prevent collar rot which could be the actual problem rather than root rot. Avocados are tough and may bounce back. While the tree is stressed, dont fertilise just use seaweed.
Time: 17th December 2022 9:30am
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About the Author TareqMelbourn
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