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avocado variety ? (forum)

6 responses

vlct starts with ...
Anyone know what variety this is. Fruit thin green skin medium size.
Thanks. Joel
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Time: 13th August 2013 8:26pm

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Original Post was last edited: 13th August 2013 8:27pm

About the Author vlct
#UserID: 8152
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Jason says...
Joel, you would need to post a close up picture of a mature fruit to be sure but it looks like Fuerte as far as tree shape and general look of it goes

Time: 14th August 2013 12:44am

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About the Author Jason
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vlct says...
Kath from daleys said to crunch a leave and if it smells of aniseed it's fuerte.. no aniseed. It's 4m tall I thought they where alot more spreading.. thanks Jason.

Time: 14th August 2013 10:04am

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About the Author vlct
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Jason says...
Lots and lots of varieties smell aniseed. But Fuerte looks different in the way it grows to everything else, more open and more horizontal branches. I could be wrong but my first impression is that its a Fuerte. A Fuerte has a very distinctive texture on the fruit too so that would confirm it.

Time: 14th August 2013 10:35am

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About the Author Jason
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vlct says...
Ok cheers it's covered in flowers now so il get a photo of a ripe fruit up asap. My wurtz is also flowering so I've recently grafted a piece onto my wurtz.. considering there flowering at same time I don't see why not.
Hopeing its a shepherd as I already have a feurte

Time: 14th August 2013 12:43pm

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About the Author vlct
#UserID: 8152
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Jason says...
Well if you already have one are they both fruiting, with both trees there you can easily see if they are different

Time: 15th August 2013 1:47am

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About the Author Jason
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vlct says...
My wurtz is flowering.. this large unknown is in a friends yard 20 km away.

Time: 15th August 2013 9:32am

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About the Author vlct
#UserID: 8152
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