avocado (forum)
2 responses
adam11 starts with ...
living on the gold coast i want to put in some avocado trees what are the best from a and b groups to put together so we can get avo's nearly all year round without having massive trees
Time: 27th November 2016 2:15pm
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About the Author adam11
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wazzamcg says...
I live in Brisbane and have put in a Pinkerton (A) and a Sharwill (B) and a Sheppard (B). Hope this helps - I did a heap of research on the subject.
Time: 29th November 2016 12:17pm
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About the Author wazzamcg
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brad16 says...
To give you an idea of the size of a mature Shepard avocado tree, I have attached a few pictures. Unfortunately the tree was cut down so I found some historical Google Earth pictures from 2002 when the tree was still there.
Picture 3 shows a current street view and another tree that still stands (for a size comparison). Note the Shepard was somewhat larger than this tree. I estimated it at around 15 - 20 metres tall and about the same wide. Picture 2 confirms the width estimation as nearly 20 metres.
Also note that this is in Sydney and the buildings are 3 storey apartment blocks. The Shepard avocado was as tall as them, and actually can be seen casting a shadow on another building (also demolished) that I think may have been an old Masonic hall (or something of the like).
My Dad used to call anything taller than the clothes line 'too big', so if you're like my Dad, that Shepard is going to take some pruning to keep it from becoming a 'massive tree' some time down the line.
Pictures - Click to enlarge
Picture: 1
Picture: 2
Picture: 3
Time: 3rd December 2016 10:51am
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About the Author brad16
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