Bergamot orange (forum)
5 responses
joegoe starts with ...
Hello people,
I bought a Bergamot Orange tree over a year ago and know nothing about citrus.It is a good tree, and flowers beautifully. It has just had its first fruit which has been growing the size of large marbles, then going brown on top, center, then falling of. I have since pulled of the rest bar 5 and noticed one down the bottom larger than the rest, and not brown on top. Could my fruit be getting sun-burnt? I have it in a wheelie bin full of good dirt and poo so I can move it out of the frost when necessary.
Thanks Joe.
Time: 23rd December 2012 8:46pm
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About the Author joegoe
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Jantina says...
Maybe, depends on where you are in Oz and how hot it gets there. I'd be more inclined to check the soil you are growing it in. Wheelie bins are dark and absorb a lot of heat, on a hot day the soil would get very hot and maybe so dry that it gets water repellent (sometimes you think you are giving it plenty of water but if it gets too dry most of it just runs down between the bin and the soil). Good luck. PS you do realize that Bergamot oranges are not eating oranges ? they are used for perfumery. I have one and they smell heavenly.
Time: 24th December 2012 9:06am
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About the Author Jantina
Mt Gambier
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Brain says...
without any pictures, it is hard to diagnose the problem. However, given the tree is healthy and is flowering and fruiting, and based on the fact the tree is only 1 year old, I'm inclined to say the fruit drop/browning is due to the tree being a very young tree and unable to support the multitude of fruits.
I would also rule out sunburn (in the absence of other info) as the fruit skin would be scaled and not browned (Google sunburn orange for some pics).
To be really sure if it was a natural fruit drop, most citrus fruit at a very early age would turn from green to yellow and then brown/black (or simply drop from the plant). So if you can observe this pattern then that would be it.
The other rare possibility is too much fertiliser, but then the tree would also shows some sign of stress and not just the fruit.
I'm going to use my Bergamot orange for either 'Candy orange' (apparently they do that in France); infuse it in tea like your very own earl grey, or as an addition to marmalade. :)
I am very excited about my bergamot ... which I only got about a month ago from Daley so the wait continues for the eventual (and sometimes elusive) fruit!
Time: 25th December 2012 2:15pm
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About the Author Brain
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joegoe says...
Thank you,I live in Merredin WA and it is a dry heat av 40 degree in summer. I have moved it to the eave line of the back verandah so it gets full sun till around lunch time, then shade, then late afternoon sun as the sun goes down. Yes Janita it does smell beautiful. would go nice under a bedroom window. Brian, I bought mine for a squeeze in Vodka and Tonic. I read about the Bergamots amazing ability to strip cholesteral, so bought the orange, instead of the pills. I actualy ordered a few, but only one arrived.
Time: 29th December 2012 12:59pm
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About the Author joegoe
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lentildude says...
I am after a Bergamont orange seedling or seeds in Sydney. I can swap a calamansi lime cutting. Hope someone has one.
Time: 23rd March 2016 12:55pm
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About the Author George
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Grampians1 says...
Also looking for a Bergamot Orange tree, Grampians Vic.
Have what I am sure is an Etrog Lemon if anyone wants to swap cuttings.
Time: 2nd June 2018 9:19pm
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About the Author Grampians1
SELECT Your Suburb,3381,VIC
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