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Best Tasting Cherry Tomato (forum)

17 responses

Brendan starts with ...
Picked my first ever 'Camp Joy' cherry tomato yesterday.
Said to be the best tasting cherry tomato, I have to agree, on a scale of 1 to 10, it's a 10! easy!
One tiny problem, it's skin was a tad tough, maybe because it wasn't fully ripe?
Note the 'greenish' seeds, that tells me it's fairly acidic too.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 24th October 2010 7:54am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
Great Brendan - I will see how your seeds go over here and let u know :)

Time: 24th October 2010 3:37pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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Julie says...
Cherry toms do seem to have a tougher skin, but that is a plus in a way, because pests don't attack them as much as normal size toms.

And maybe they seem tougher because there is more skin to flesh ratio?

amanda, would you feel like sharing a few seeds when yours are ready?

Time: 24th October 2010 8:28pm

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Original Post was last edited: 24th October 2010 8:30pm

About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Brendan says...
Good point Julie about the skin, as you can see, nothing has touched them :-)
Whereas, my Arkansas Traveller tomatoes ARE being attacked, won't be growing them again :-(

Time: 25th October 2010 8:09am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
hey brendan - this is my broad ripple yellow currant AFTER I picked 2kg's of fruit off it! They are small but very sweet and the skin not tough, no problems with bugs.
(I haven't staked this one so it's a bit shabby looking..)
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 25th October 2010 10:11am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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Brendan says...
Wow Amanda, that is impressive! Imagine if you had staked it :-)
You need to make up some tomato relish!
I have a very good recipe around her somewhere, I'll find it later.

Meant to tell you, the Camp Joy tomato grows VERY tall! They reached the top of the stakes in no time, so I had to snip em off. It's still trying to re-grow again now :-(

Time: 26th October 2010 9:00am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
Thanks Brendan - I am growing all heirlooms at present for our big tomatoe sauce making run :) I have not been without homemade tom sauce my whole life (thanks Mum!) but my turn to pick up the baton now.

I am really looking forward to seeing how the sauce tastes with home grown heirlooms with lots of flavour..?!

Time: 26th October 2010 10:24am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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Brendan says...
Hi Amanda, and your mum's tomato sauce recipe is? :-)

And relish made with those yellow toms of yours would be unreal :-)

Time: 27th October 2010 8:57am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
Yup - I am on to it for u Brendan :)

Time: 27th October 2010 7:34pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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snottiegobble says...
How are the Amish pastes Amanda? Do you still have some spare seeds? Looks like we will have toms to eat by melbourne Cup day. Something I could never have hoped for in SW Vic.

Time: 27th October 2010 8:02pm

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amanda says...
Hey Snottie - I will be in touch shortly :)

Time: 27th October 2010 10:22pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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amanda says...
Hi Snottiegobble - been thru' my seed collection but there are no Amish Paste - I did spy some plants in Bunnings (in the yellow pots in the herb section) so they are on their order-list (along with quite few other heirlooms) If you ask the guys they can order u one in?

I grew them 2 seasons ago - and I now prefer them to a Roma, for a cooking tomatoe.

Maybe get a plant and test it first - you should be able to propogate the seeds....

PS - Just got 3 of them now for my last patch - I can send u seed a bit later if all else fails :)

Time: 28th October 2010 5:44pm

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Original Post was last edited: 28th October 2010 7:33pm

About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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snottiegobble says...
Thanks Amanda. I grew amish in a greenhouse in Vic. & they were far superior to Roma in fact I think Roma are pretty tastless by comparison. Tougher, easier to grow but tastless!

BTW Forget Delorup. worst area for Ross river fever due to wetlands & irrigated golf course.

Time: 1st November 2010 1:15pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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amanda says...
Ta Snottie - Maybe Walpole the go after all!? Will be quite balmy down there at the rate this drought is going... :-O

So u have done Amish pastes - glad we corroborate each others thoughts about Roma! I got my seed from Diggers the first time.

I have two lovely cherry tom's on the go that are the best I have had so far - the Tomatoe Berry (hybrid tho') and the grape cherry tom (both in punnets from Bunnings)

Time: 1st November 2010 5:54pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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grub says...
gidday heres a link were i get my seeds from hope this help..there a lot nice than the roma.i find roma tasteless and bland and they will send to wa


Time: 1st November 2010 7:23pm

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Original Post was last edited: 1st November 2010 8:18pm

About the Author grub
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Brendan says...
G'day Amanda, see in the 'Select Organics' section of Eden Seeds catalog, that Broad Ripple Yellow Currant tomatoes were, ' reputed to have been discovered growing in a crack in the footpath (sidewalk) in Indianapolis' :-)
No wonder they're hardy!

Time: 2nd November 2010 8:44am

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Original Post was last edited: 2nd November 2010 8:48am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
#UserID: 1947
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amanda says...
They sure are Brendan. Can anyone explain how I might be able to "cross" them with a larger yellow tom? (also an heirloom)

Do they have to be hand pollinated and then the flower enclosed or something?

The yellow currant is a machine when it comes to fruiting - I keep wondering if I could cross it with maybe a Jaunne Flamme and get the best of both worlds? Yum!

Time: 2nd November 2010 10:17am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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Brendan says...
I 'think' you cover up the flower so it doesn't become pollinated by bees, then hand pollinate them with your large yellow pollin, then cover again.
The seeds from that tomato 'should' be the new 'crossed' version :-)

Good luck! And let us know how it goes!

Time: 3rd November 2010 10:34am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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