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Biochar maker (forum)

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amanda starts with ...
Hi All :) I am pretty keen to have a go at making some Biochar now - as I have loads of dead acacia wood to get rid of...I have a 55 gallon (?) drum with a lid but I am not sure about the best way to go about making the 'cooker'..?

I was thinking of punching holes in the bottom, setting it up on some house bricks, loading it up and lighting a fire underneath, first putting the lid on - the lid doesn't fit perfectly (thanks to my daughters circus acts.. ;) so gases can escape thru the lid...

Is this the general gist of it? Will it work with fairly chunky wood - or is better to have them in a certain size range..?

Many thanks for any suggestions! :)

Time: 25th May 2011 4:33pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton, Mid West WA
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Jimmy says...
green life soil co are selling it but when you click on the more info tag it just takes you back to the main menu.

Sniff around there and look in person?

Time: 26th May 2011 10:10am

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Brad says...
there's some stuff (not only this thread) on this other site (sorry Daleys) http://aussieslivingsimply.com.au/forum/working-the-soil-removal-of-weeds-and-wind-breaks/143981-natural-biochar-photos

Time: 26th May 2011 12:47pm

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About the Author Brad2
G Hill,Perth
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amanda says...
Thanks Brad! the Wiki link was really interesting - sounds like it's just what we need for our sandy soils too!?


If only I had a front end loader! I would just dig a big pit and do it all underground - too easy! ;-)

Time: 26th May 2011 7:05pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton, Mid West WA
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Lloyd Helferty says...
Possibly the best way to make Biochar with a 55 gallon drum is to do what you suggested, i.e.punch holes in the bottom of the barrel, chop up the dead (hopefully well dried) acacia wood (got a chipper?) and the light the thing from the top (rather than the bottom).
see: http://www.meetup.com/biocharontario/photos/735356/

This is called a TLUD (Top-Lit UpDraft gasifier) and can be very clean.
A design booklet can be downloaded from the bioenergy lists.
see: http://biocharinnovation.wordpress.com/07-stove-designs/07f-andersons-tlud/

Lloyd Helferty
Biochar Consulting (Canada)

Time: 7th June 2011 11:04pm

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Original Post was last edited: 7th June 2011 11:09pm

About the Author Lloyd Helferty
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Jason says...
Is there a way to use/modify an ordinary wood heating domestic stove to produce biochar?

Time: 8th June 2011 10:13am

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John Mc says...
You could but it's not very efficient for that purpose. Because you can't stop the oxygen, most of the wood burns to ash. There is usually some charcoal left over through some incomplete burning.

Time: 8th June 2011 12:10pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
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Jason says...
If oxygen absence is critical why does Lloyd suggest punching holes in 55gal drum?

Time: 8th June 2011 2:01pm

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amanda says...
Thanks for those links Lloyd! Much appreciated. Looks like I have some 'homework' to do ;-)

Time: 8th June 2011 4:47pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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amanda says...
Jason - it is confusing isn't it!? The designs shown on the links seem to be for the dual purpose of a cooking stove that also makes biochar? I don't need a cooking stove so I don't need two chambers....The original 'design' I looked at has a sealable drum with some holes in the side...it is layed on it's side, raised, with a fire built under the holes - the holes are to allow the gases to escape and combust in the fire I think..?
The idea is to 'burn' the wood inside it with little oxygen so that it makes Char (charcoal?) Like John Mc said - it will turn to ash with too much O2...
I am not sure how the updraft design would work with one chamber..
It seems a bit silly I guess to be burning wood to make char - but I have so much wood that would be burnt anyway that I may as well make as much of it as useful as possible I thought..

I guess I will try the original design and see what happens! :)

Time: 9th June 2011 9:43am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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amanda says...
If u don't need much you can get a big bag of 100% lump charcoal (made from hardwoods...hopefully sustainable ones) from BBQ shops - it's the Big Green Egg pure charcoal - which must be the same thing..?

It's not cheap ($40 for 9kgs - but it's imported from the US - not sure if there is an Aussie one) Looks like 9kgs would go a long way (from the second link which suggests 100 - 500gm/m2)

EDIT: found this excellent link to a huge FAQ sheet if anyone interested:

The 9kg bag of charcoal is a lot cheaper than this product (but hasn't got the bacterial innoculants etc - but if u throw your plain charcoal in your compsot that fixes that problem..)


Time: 9th June 2011 4:29pm

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Original Post was last edited: 9th June 2011 4:44pm

About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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amanda says...
Well - my first attempt has failed miserably! :-( I used a salvaged old metal garbage can with a lid and put that above the fire but the wood inside needs to be a lot smaller as it didn't even burn...
I will try with wood chip as Lloyd suggested...

I also have a half galvanised rainwater tank that is full of acacia logs - it would make a pretty exciting top-lit-updraft gasifier I reckon!? :)))

Any suggestions really welcome BTW...I am struggling here..? :-O

Time: 10th June 2011 4:54pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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Steven says...
Hey Amanda.

have a look at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXMUmby8PpU

I tried a smaller version of this and it worked relatively well. The most important thing to do it to ensure the wood is hot enough that the cellulose material of the wood breaks down to gas but with minimal exposure to oxygen so that it doesnt burn. That way the timber releases gas and creates a charcoal material thats very porus. This is what gives biochar its properties. Its basically activated charcoal.


Time: 11th June 2011 2:40pm

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Original Post was last edited: 11th June 2011 2:42pm

About the Author Steven
Eastern Melbourne
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Jantina says...
Thanks Steven, that's one informative link.

Time: 11th June 2011 3:46pm

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About the Author Jantina
Mt Gambier
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Steven says...
No problem :)

Here are some images of a little experiment i did with biochar a couple of years ago (the pot with the stick in it is the one containing biochar).
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Picture: 4

Time: 11th June 2011 5:31pm

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About the Author Steven
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Jantina says...
You can certainly see a difference. I've been interested in biochar for some time but I thought it was very polluting to make it, this bloke has sorted it all out for me. I'll show my Mr Fixit the video clip and no doubt he will make me one shortly.Thanks again.

Time: 11th June 2011 6:05pm

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About the Author Jantina
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amanda says...
Awesome Steven! Thanks for sharing that info :)

Time: 11th June 2011 9:38pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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amanda says...
Let us know how u go Janitina? I wish my Mr was of the Fixit kind! ;) Did you have a read of the FAQ sheet link above? It made some interesting comments about different kinds of wood for acid lovers etc....I found it really interesting...

Time: 12th June 2011 11:55am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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Jantina says...
Not yet Amanda, have ben away for a day and a half at a karate tournament, I'll check it out tomorrow, thanks.

Time: 12th June 2011 10:25pm

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About the Author Jantina
Mt Gambier
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amanda says...
Were u watching or kicking butt Jantina?? :)))

Time: 12th June 2011 10:33pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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Jantina says...
Lol Amanda, sadly I don't just have 2 left feet, I have 3! It's my hubby and his students who do the butt kicking! I just make sandwiches, tea/coffee, do PR and pick up the pieces if they injure themselves!

Time: 13th June 2011 9:21am

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About the Author Jantina
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amanda says...
He he...I didn't think it sounded like u Jantina.. :)) I loved the video Steven - thanks heaps! I am going to try it with my 44gal drum with a sealable lid - and an old metal garbage can (with a lid) that I got from the salvage yard for a $1 ...it fits inside the 44 gall drum nicely.
Now to see if my Mr can make a chimney...I was amazed to see how the smoke instantly cleared up when he put that chimney on..!?
My mate at the salvage yard (my favourite shop!) is saving the 44gals with the clip on lids for me. But I was thinking you could probably adapt many of the old ovens they have - the ones with the warming drawers at the bottom (to put the fire in - and the biochar in the oven part)...? Just a thought.

Time: 13th June 2011 1:06pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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Steven says...
You welcome Amanda, im glad to help! i only every made a small batch of it, i should make more and sprinkle it through everything. There was a real difference with the two pots of broccoli, you can see it in the photos, but in the 3D of real life it was much more obvious. the broccoli containing the biochar was a much more even height and health where the other while it had broccoli just as tall and healthy it didnt have anywhere near as many seedling that were as healthy.

let me know how it goes! its not polluting because your burning off all the gas before it gets into the air, all your left with is water and CO2 :)

Time: 14th June 2011 12:46am

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About the Author Steven
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amanda says...
Will do Steven.. :) It's quite impressive to see the difference in your broccoli there...

We have to get rid of our excess wood because of the fire and termite problems...and the acacis just grow like weeds - so I end up with so much of it! I feel guilty burning it for nothing...I could give it away but folk won't even get off their butts to come and get my excess fruit.. :-(

But - it's also nice to know that it sequesters that carbon for such an incredibly long time too...if only they could make efficient industrial size ones..

I am not sure if the 100% pure lump charcoal I mentioned is activated or not...?...but the FAQ link says it can still be used though..

Time: 14th June 2011 6:47pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mid West WA
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amanda says...
Ta Da!! I have got it working! I just love the annual kerbside collection days - found everything I needed on the side of the road :)

The secret for my burner is to have smaller pieces of wood in the inside container - and not packed too tight. It also needed a small hole in the bottom of the outer drum to get the fire burning hot enough.
I am 'innoculating' my biochar now and will start testing it.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 20th July 2011 11:23am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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Speedy says...
Nice work.
I just use an open 44 and load progressively with various materials partially limiting air as I go by loading more in as the flames build up.
...just haven't got to building a proper burner yet.... another project still on the waiting list.

palm fronds and Arundo make a really nice porous char.

I then add it all to hot compost heaps.


Might just have to make a chimney one like yours Amanda.

Time: 21st July 2011 1:19pm

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About the Author Speedy
Nthn Vic.
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amanda says...
Hey Speedy - I was lucky enough to find a tall metal garbage can (on road-side) that fitted perfectly inside the 44.. :)

The chimney makes it draw well and burn quite clean. I think it has to get to a certain temp/heat? Can't quite work that part out - but anyway - it works well!

Wished I had known that about the palm fronds on roadside collection day - there was truck loads of them too (and the trunks as well - lol)

Time: 22nd July 2011 9:54am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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Jimmy says...

Thats a mouse-off drum, formerly filled with the deadly chemical Zinc Phosphide.


Time: 22nd July 2011 2:35pm

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amanda says...
Very observant there Jimmy! Never fear - it has been well cleaned and left out in the elements for a year at least :)

(it did a stint as a chook food bin after that - and they still alive...although...they did grow two heads... ;)

Time: 22nd July 2011 4:33pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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amanda says...
We have made heaps now - pH tested it and it is a little alkaline - so putting it in the compost is a wise idea hey Speedy...? Does it help to adjust it's pH?

Hubby perfected it for me by buzzing all the wood into chunks around 10cm. This meant we could pack the outer drum quite tight and get a hotter, longer burn time...the same chunks inside charred perfectly and are nice and brittle for smashing up.

So, at least we didn't waste all of our wood to the atmosphere after all - I feel a bit better about that.
And our weedy Acacias are a prime biochar tree as they grow like the clappers here!

Time: 26th July 2011 9:24am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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Jimmy says...
Ok Amanda

Can we have a pictorial essay exactly how to do it?

I will get my own drum to try it out.

Time: 26th July 2011 10:25am

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amanda says...
I will take some pics for u tomorrow Jimmy...it's pretty easy - but I needed Mr Fixit to wield the angle grinder for me...I don't trust myself with that, or the chainsaw... ;-)

Time: 26th July 2011 8:48pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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amanda says...
Hey Jimmy - here's some pics of the gear (can't load it up today as a big storm coming in :)

There are several holes, roughly spaced, in the top third of the 44 gall drum - about 1cm wide (bashed in with an axe!) We found it didn't draw the fire very well at all - so we made the ONE larger, square opening that you can see, at the bottom of the 44.

This hole makes it draw much better and burn hotter - it's a balance though as you don't want the fire to finish before it's done the job. I will have to time mine to tell you how long it burns - but it's at least 4hrs.

Hubby made a rough hole in the lid and the cone thing is the chimney - which just sits on top of the 44 lid (over the hole) The original 44 lid-clamp is a bit of a pain - I'd rather just use manual clamps like you get on battery jump-starter leads. Quicker n safer.

The hard part might be finding a metal bin that fits inside the 44 - with enough room between them to pack with firewood. I found the old rubbish bin with the lid. We made a few small holes, in the lid of it, to allow the gasses to escape (from the Biochar wood)and get burnt off - as these gasses are harmful to the atmosphere unless burnt. Only tiny holes needed - otherwise you may end up with ash rather than char.

The wood is the size we use - the larger bits are the fire wood and the smaller bits (some old jarrah but mostly acacia) are the Biochar bits (that go in the rubbish bin)

We pack the small rubbish bin and put it inside the 44. Then we pack the gap between the small R.bin, and the 44, with fire wood to the top of the R'bin lid - then it's kindling and fire starters to the top of the 44.

Light it - put the 44 lid on, then put the lid clamp on, then put the chimney on (we don't have a welder in the family..) and away it goes :)

We start it in the afternoon and unload the char in the morning when it's cold. Then I smash up the char and "inocculate" it with water and liquid manure. Or you can put it in the compost like Speedy does.

I hope this makes sense?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 27th July 2011 6:01pm

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Original Post was last edited: 27th July 2011 6:15pm

About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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Jimmy says...
Good so far, my fence is down from the storm, D'oh.

need pics of loading at lighting

Time: 28th July 2011 10:45am

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amanda says...
Ok Jimmy will do. It's pretty wild up here too...should be right for kelp-collecting now, judging by the foul colour of the foreshore.. :)

Time: 28th July 2011 3:21pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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Jimmy says...
Dongara always has heaps.

Time: 28th July 2011 4:06pm

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Steven says...
Hey Amanda.

that looks really good what youve done, it will be interesting to know how well it works, and how/if the biochar improves your sandy soil.


Time: 30th July 2011 4:26pm

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About the Author Steven
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M Nash says...
Bugger the soil, this stuff is great for the weber bbq :)

Time: 30th July 2011 5:01pm

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About the Author MNash1
Terranora Northern NSW
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amanda says...
Yes M Nash - it's heaps better than that awful stuff in the bags at the supermarket - they have yukk chemicals in them I heard (accelerants..?)

(ps - won't be able to load it, for pics, until it stops raining Jimmy...wow - never thought I'd be able to say that in Gero!! :)

Time: 31st July 2011 9:16am

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Original Post was last edited: 31st July 2011 9:23am

About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. Mide West WA.
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Brad says...

Time: 21st August 2011 5:44pm

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About the Author Brad2
G Hill,Perth
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amanda says...
I was given a very nifty char-griller for Xmas - and decided to try out my biochar in it - it was perfect! U were right M Nash :)

Feels great to be able to recycle the huge quantities of waste acacia we get here...a bit of time and energy to make - but not nearly as much effort as what the trees put in to start with!? ;)

Time: 31st December 2011 4:03pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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