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blood plums (forum)

4 responses

Varma starts with ...
I am looking for a good self pollinating blood plum for my small garden(~20sqm). Yarrahpinni vs illuka- which is a reliable producer? And is the yarrahpinni as sweet as the iluka? I have read that satsuma is partial self pollinator - will I need a pollinator(b'coz of space factor) as i understand that satsuma are very good plums.

Time: 6th September 2011 11:27am

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About the Author Varma
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Itdepends says...
Buy a multigraft plum or a normal one and then graft onto it yourself. It's reasonably easy to do (if you post for grafting material on a gardening forum you should be able to find someone in your area with the varieties you want).

Satsuma is very nice, Mariposa is good too.

Time: 15th September 2011 8:16pm

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juanita says...
I think satsuma pollinates w/ sta rosa..I got a satsuma (will be 7yrs old this yr) & jst lucky my bckyrd neighbour got sta rosa...I can swap few satsuma scion woods w/ some mariposa.. Perhaps I can even ask some sta rosa scions from neighbours next winter.

Time: 27th September 2011 11:05pm

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MaryT says...
I have an Iluka in LNS Sydney that has grown too big for its pot and I don't have any ground to put it in. Would anyone be interested in taking it? May need to wait till it's dormant as I would like to keep the pot.

It had a problem on its trunk which I thought would kill it but NO it just kept growing despite my continuous effort in pruning it back.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Time: 10th December 2011 11:50am

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About the Author MaryT
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Nick says...
Im not sure if its a blood plum, but my santa rosa produced 3 fruit this year without any other plums around (its still young by the way) :)

Time: 10th December 2011 1:05pm

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About the Author Nick T
Altona, VIC
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