Can Apple Cactus grow in pots? (forum)
3 responses
Peter91 starts with ...
Hey, I was just wondering if the apple cactus can grow well in pots? I've seen photos of it growing in pots, but what would be the best type of mix to use for it?
Also would it have much chance of being pollinated? Or would I definitely need another variety such as the pink which Daleys currently doesn't have in stock?
Time: 9th September 2015 7:58pm
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About the Author Peter91
North Plympton
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sternus1 says...
Apple cactus will grow and fruit in a large pot, yes. There is no difference in flavor between skin coloring; cereus perevianus is cereus pervianus.
Make sure you do get a C. Peruvianus however as some Trichocereus are virtually indistinguishable to the untrained eye, and some can really only be differentiated by blossom color. The thing about trichocereus is that they contain alkaloids (in the plant itself, not the fruit) that can put you in la la land for 8 hours or more if you, or one of your kids, accidentally ingest them.
potting mix for all cacti should be totally free draining and contain no nitrogen whatsoever. It will also need full sun to fruit--and when I say full sun, I mean endless, baking heat at all times.
Time: 10th September 2015 8:33am
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Original Post was last edited: 10th September 2015 8:27amAbout the Author sternus1
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Peter91 says...
Thanks Sternus, I wasn't so much thinking of the flavour difference but whether each colour was needed to pollinate the other? Which the site makes it sound like it does.
So do you think there'd be much chance of one flowering and fruiting in Adelaide weather?
Time: 10th September 2015 6:21pm
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About the Author Peter91
North Plympton
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sternus1 says...
No, you don't need cross pollination.
You'd definitely be up against it in Adelaide. Worth a shot though, worst comes to worst you end up with a beautiful cactus.
In their native habitat they are pollinated by bats and specialized insects which we don't really have. If you do get blooms, make sure you hand pollinate the flowers.
Time: 10th September 2015 8:46pm
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About the Author sternus1
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