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Cherry tree leaf problem (forum)

2 responses

Jim starts with ...
I planted a Starkrimson cherry in August 2010. It grew well but then the leaves started turning yellow & orange then brown. I removed the leaves & disposed of them as they became infected but the problem persists. Any ideas on cause and remedy?
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Time: 5th February 2011 11:05am

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About the Author Jim15
South Gippsland
#UserID: 4889
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Jill says...
Your plant is obviously suffering in your culture. Plant a different tree that is likely to grow and succeed to please you. Your culture is killing the plant you have tried to grow. Try having a proffesional take care of it okay?

Time: 15th February 2011 2:17pm

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About the Author Jill3
22 mulberry street
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kert says...
Don't despair. There are several fungi that attack cherry leaves ,brown rot ,one of the commonest. I'd spray with mancozeb at leaf fall and at bud burst ;chances are you'll be OK next season.

Time: 16th February 2011 2:52pm

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