Chokanan mangoseeds available (forum)
13 responses
Bangkok starts with ...
Soon i will have 5 chokanan mangoseeds from my tree.
This mango is known for fruiting offseason and multiple times a year.
Even grown in a pot it will fruit in a few years. Americans call it Miracle mango.
It's a sweet mango with a little fibre, namdocmai is better but much harder to get to fruit (without splitting).
This mango will also fruit in the wetseason, no problem at all.
If anybody wants the seeds then let me know and they are yours.
To Daleys: If you want seeds then let me know. It's not possible to email you by website because i don't have an aussie postal code, i read that you are looking for seeds as well.
Time: 22nd August 2015 3:10pm
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Original Post was last edited: 22nd August 2015 3:11pm
About the Author Bangkok
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sternus1 says...
BK email me at
Time: 22nd August 2015 3:57pm
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Bangkok says...
Allright they are yours Starling.
If anybody also wants them i will try to get more but they are not easy to find in Bangkok.
Time: 22nd August 2015 5:09pm
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About the Author Bangkok
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Juneli says...
Bangkok I would love to receive a seed if you can access more. My contact email is Thank you.
Time: 23rd August 2015 9:56am
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About the Author Juneli
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MIke T1 says...
Check with the locals they are not Sam ru du as they get mixed up.
Time: 23rd August 2015 5:26pm
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About the Author MIke T1
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Bangkok says...
I have grown both (sam rue do and chokanan) on the same tree for some years and sam rue do never gave fruit.
Chokanan gives them all the time, it started fruiting 4 weeks after grafting and i let them grow to full size, they were perfect mango's.
My mother in law has a big chokanan tree and now even wants another one because it gives fruit all year.
Her namdocmai isn't so reliable.
My neighbour had a big sam rue do in his previous house and he always hit it with the back of an axe or girdled the trunk to get it blooming.
But yes sam rue so also can bloom many times a year, i grew it on 2 different cocktailtree's but both never bloomed. I cut those branches of.
Now i grow chokanan seeds to graft taiwanese variety's on. Let's see if they also can bloom offseason.
I also made a multiple stem mango tree from 3 seedlings, namdocmai, kaew and chokanan. Blooming offseason is 1 thing, next thing is that it has to be able to set and keep fruit in the high humidity of our wetseason.
Time: 24th August 2015 12:07am
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About the Author Bangkok
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Bangkok says...
My Chokanan branch is blooming again, it still has 2 mango's left and i just ate 3 of it.
I will send the last seeds tomorrow, then all are sent.
As experiment i planted 10 chokananseeds in the same big pot. I will let them fuse into one big trunk and graft several variety's on it.
I don't know any other mangovariety which fruits so often, it just won't stop anymore while my other 25 variety's on the same tree do nothing at all for more then a year. Yes 1 bloom here or there but nothing to write home about.
Time: 9th September 2015 1:12am
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About the Author Bangkok
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Markmelb says...
BK - is the Chokonan a Poly and how cold tolertant do you think it could be?
Do you know its heritage?
As an example my Palmer that is in the ground has got thru winter with no blackened branches and close to freezing and many around 5C mornings that others like in pots eg NDM and Keitt.
I did give the Palmer and Dragons a good spray of droughtshield that is good foor frost situations.
Time: 9th September 2015 7:23am
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About the Author Markmelb
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Bangkok says...
I have no idea Mark, here i rarely grow mangoseeds because grafted tree's are cheap and better.
I made one multiple stem tree with chokanan-seed and it has only 1 sprout from that seed.
Soon i can tell you how many sprouts come up.
I use this mango because it really blooms many times a year. Also i grow it on my big tree because it fruits all year around, can stand wet conditions and still produce fruit.
I hope chokanan rootstock with many stems will let the scions of other variety's bloom offseason.
Multiple stem tree's can do that and also grow faster.
Best would be to use different seeds but i want to try it with only chokanan because it is the most blooming variety we have here.
I guess the floridians know more about cold tolerance, coldest temp i have seen in BKK was 12 celcius at one night. Now it is around 30 at night.
Time: 9th September 2015 10:20am
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About the Author Bangkok
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Markmelb says...
BK - i guess if you see only one stem on the chokonan seeds its a mono and would not grow true to type like a Kensington Pride seed that sometimes has 4 embryos and i pick the strongest - but grafting say Palmer onto the CK may get it to fruit earlier maybe? Do you know what type of mango you get yet from a seedling CK? Could take a few years to find out tho?
Time: 9th September 2015 12:03pm
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About the Author Markmelb
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Bangkok says...
When i get multiple stems from one seed i graft them together to become one stem.
I have many chokananseeds planted so soon i 'll know how many stems they get.
I only grow them for their rootstock and hope to get offseason blooming tree's out of them. Chokanan isn't the best mango of all, it has a little fibre but tastes just good. When there's nothing else fruiting i'm happy to eat them.
Chokanan in a pot can bloom early, they are known for that.
I now have Osteen growing on a multiple stem tree but the graft just took and grows now.
The stems are Kaew, NDM-gold and Chokanan. Let's see what happens.
There's not much info about this so it's all experimental. I'm lucky to be able to get so many different seeds here in Thailand.
Especially the old mangovariety's are strong and can fruit all year.
Today i 'll go after Yai Grum mango, it's a nice one and very old.
Paclobutrazol and potassiumnitrate also can make mango bloom, they use that in N-Australia as well.
But blooms don't mean fruit, i had my tree's covered in huge flowers (when it was still a 100% ndm-green tree) but nothing set fruit. Chokanan sets fruit pretty easy.
Time: 9th September 2015 12:35pm
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About the Author Bangkok
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Markmelb says...
BK - reason is for if Chok is a Poly we dont need scion material but seed sent would be ok and would be true to type if in fact Chok is a polyembryo? Lets wait and see as I too would be interested here in my cooler zone.
Geez 12c in Thailand - thats cold for you - would nearly kill some of your more tropical planst there like the mangosteens or Durian?
Time: 9th September 2015 3:48pm
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About the Author Markmelb
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Bangkok says...
Well 12 degree's was only 1 night and nothing was damaged. But it's fun to see how the Thai act to that temp.
For your climate i have no idea which mango does best. Osteen grows very well in Spain which has a similar climate as Melbourne i guess. I also have Maya and Rosa from spain who do well there.
In Florida (which is also cold in winter) Osteen was not good to grow i read because it's humid there.
Maybe you can try Al's gritty mix in your place, so your roots won't rot during cold temps and much rain.
Or just grow peaches instead of mango's, they are also great fruit, especially the flat ones.
Time: 9th September 2015 4:40pm
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About the Author Bangkok
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Bangkok says...
Out of 10 seeds 4 came up now and 1 has 2 sprouts.
The rest will come soon i hope.
Time: 15th September 2015 6:12pm
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About the Author Bangkok
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