Correy's Pawpaw from cutting (forum)
2 responses
John starts with ...
Hi Correy - thanks for your great video - I have a great red pawpaw that just grew on its own from seed - it's really three trees in one - and it seems to like the potato plant the always comes up around its roots - my question is: how did you go about planting the trunk cutting because I would like to have a go. Did you wrap it in peat moss in a plastic bag to make the roots grow on the severed end of the trunk and then plant it or did you just stick the trunk in the ground?
Thanks heaps - John Trigger
Time: 23rd March 2010 10:09am
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About the Author John32
Lismore NSW
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John Mc says...
Hey John,
I just made up a light fluffy soiless mix, stuck it in a pot and one cutting has sprouted roots already. I have several other cuttings I cut from the side of a semi mature paw-paw which are taking their time. I have lifted them and they look promising. No roots yet but what is there, is the start of what looks like roots developing. There is a name for it but it dosen't come to mind at present.
I also, for the fun if it, are trying to marcott the side shoots to see if I can enduce roots to grow on the side shoot before cutting it clean from the mother plant. If nothing happens there in a month I'll sever the side shoot half way to see if that kicks it into growing roots. It's all good fun hey?
Time: 29th March 2010 7:52pm
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About the Author John Mc
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Nev says...
I have a multi trunked red pawpaw only two years old and it is about 24" in diameter at the base of the trunk. It currently has 5 main fruiting branches and all are loaded. First crop we saved and planted seeds from but none germinated. So now have taken two cuttings from shoots near the base of the main trunk and potted them to see if I can grow new trees. Used bonsai mix as it has littie soil. Beautiful tasting fruit.
Time: 19th May 2011 9:28am
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Original Post was last edited: 19th May 2011 9:29am
About the Author Nev
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