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Curl grubs (forum)

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starling starts with ...
Found a few curl grubs in the ground when digging my most recent bed. I don't really want to use pesticide as I'm afraid it might kill the native birds when they eat the grubs--anybody have any other suggestions how to deal with this?

I have just dropped about 5 inches of pure cow manure on the bed, hoping to attract dung beetles--could this be the larvae of the dung beetle? I've always been told that dung beetles were good for the garden.


Time: 10th September 2013 8:15am

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Original Post was last edited: 10th September 2013 8:33am
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Brendan says...
Have a look here starling: http://www.annettemcfarlane.com/pestID.htm

Time: 10th September 2013 10:08am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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ivepeters says...
Was out in the garden today, when a friend popped by to notify me to a unknown problem with my nectarines.
So any update to the best solution ?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 23rd August 2015 3:47pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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sternus1 says...
Ive you need this product. It's worked every time I've used it. The only reason I'm not using it now isn't because it isn't good, I'm just a tightarse. Confidor works too but I imagine its much nastier, not sure I'd use it on anything but the lawn. Honestly I don't worry about them too much really, in my experience you've got to have a serious infestation for it to be a big problem, even in pots.


Time: 23rd August 2015 4:08pm

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Original Post was last edited: 23rd August 2015 4:07pm

About the Author sternus1
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ivepeters says...
Thanks S
Already use that, spray all of my plants with it.
Usually end up seeing dead bodies hanging off the leaves.
So did you use the same concentration?

Wouldn't use confidor, bee's are our friends, rarely see them as it is, apart from the natives.

Time: 23rd August 2015 4:11pm

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Original Post was last edited: 23rd August 2015 4:08pm
About the Author ivepeters
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ivepeters says...
Found those in a small 1m squared area, digging around my tri planted nectarines.
So how many would make it a problem ? Fairly big mothers.
Only once have I come across a couple in a pot.

Time: 23rd August 2015 4:20pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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sternus1 says...
Well I repotted a potbound bluberry a couple of weeks ago, about 65 L pot. Would have been 15-20 grubs in the pot and the tree was in no ill health whatsoever, roots didn't even appear to be chewed. Maybe they prefer decaying matter over the roots, I don't know--but I can't say I've ever been able to attribute tree death to them. Have you actually noticed the tree displaying signs of poor health?

Time: 23rd August 2015 4:50pm

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Original Post was last edited: 23rd August 2015 4:49pm

About the Author sternus1
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ivepeters says...
They're all fine.
All producing new leaves, couple have flowered, one has marble sized fruit already.
So would assume no ill effects are evident, but must say it was a shock to see that many.

Time: 23rd August 2015 5:09pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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MIke T1 says...
I think you will find those scarab beetle larva are detritivores eating dead rather than live plant tissue.The are not like lawn grubs and will be doing you a service.The humus will be attracting them.

Time: 23rd August 2015 5:16pm

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About the Author MIke T1
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ivepeters says...
Thanks Mike.
I'll leave things as they are then, and not take action until any bad effects are evident.

Time: 23rd August 2015 5:20pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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MIke T1 says...
It is the family of elephant beetles,cane beeties, domed Xmas beetles and even the small brown and green Cetonids (day flyers) and the size of the grubs will give a clue as to which.They pupate and hatch as beetles in summer.

Time: 23rd August 2015 5:31pm

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About the Author MIke T1
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