Die back (forum)
5 responses
Scott starts with ...
Ihave a black Grumichama approx 6 years old. Flowers well, fruit set reasonable and sends out a lot of new growth. But lately every few weeks a will wither and die as if it is beeing attacked by borers. Cannot see any signs of borer so could this be soil related. Soil PH ranges between 5 - 6 due to bundaberg area. Use AG lime to riase PH and alternate betwwen power feed and Blood and bone with Potash to fertilize .
Time: 1st March 2010 2:59pm
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About the Author Scottyg
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amanda says...
Hi Scott - can u post a pic?
The only thing I have noticed with mine is that they seem to like even moisture (ie: not really dry n then really wet conditions) but otherwise they are quite tough. Maybe you are putting too much fert's on with not enough consistent watering - thereby burning the tree...
Time: 1st March 2010 6:26pm
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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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Scott says...
Thanks Amanda. I will post some picks when it happens next. I have a second one some distance away and is not affected yet but it is only young. All trees are fertilized 4 times a year with 2 lots blood & bone with potash and 2 lots of power feed. Due acid nature of this soil we give it Mag Sulfate when yellowing occurs. we do irrigate it with bore water which we have had tested and it is class A drinkable. I have some 80 different fruit trees and none seem affected by this water. I will put in extra drippers to equalize soil moisture. Drippers set @ 12 ltres per hr
Cheers Scott
Time: 2nd March 2010 5:35pm
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About the Author Scottyg
#UserID: 3435
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amanda says...
Hi Scott - lucky you with the bore water!! So is the 6yr old dead or does it come back again?
The actual water will be fine - but how long and often do you water? what's the weather like when the wilting happens?
Do your drippers wet in an even radius around the tree - or just a little on the top soil and then mostly underneath? I changed all of my drippers over to microsprayers as I found that the top soil was dry and lifeless all summer long and my 80 odd trees (also!) have not looked back since.
I had a problem with my Grumi' (under another thread - I think it is called grummichama - you can search forum above) and it has resolved itself just by getting the hose out now and then and soaking all around the mulch (but I have sandy loam) that's why I mentioned the watering thing. (This may not be your problem tho')
The Magnesium sulphate will make your soil even more acidic - maybe try dolomite instead?
Time: 2nd March 2010 5:49pm
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Original Post was last edited: 2nd March 2010 5:53pmAbout the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
#UserID: 2309
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Scott says...
Thanks Amanda, I will try to even out the soil moisture but at the moment we have had a lot of wet humid weather so wont no if this makes a difference until it settles down.But generally all trees get watered twice a week for 4 Hrs @ 12 lts/ Hr per dripper The weather at the moment makes it very hard to control fruit fly with nature lure so crop loss will be more this year as the winter before was mild.I trim the dead foliage off and it will then shoot just below the cut and grow as per normal and then another branch will do this on the otherside of the tree. Being a volcanic soil it is very acid so I always use AG lime as it is safe to mix with with other fertilizers and its calcium to magnesium ratio is 5:1 were dolomite is 2:1 and this may cause an imbalance as soils generally need 5:1
The mag sulphate is mainly done as a foliar spray but I will give dolomite a go on just this plant.As a side note our Sousops, Canistels and Amberellas are fruiting at the moment for the first time since planting 4 years ago.
Cheers Scott
Time: 3rd March 2010 11:18am
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd March 2010 11:24am
About the Author Scottyg
#UserID: 3435
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scott says...
Disregard the Calcium to Mag ratio for AG lime as I have just realized that was meant to be for soil ratio. I put it in twice. Wet weather blues.
Cheers Scott
Time: 3rd March 2010 1:33pm
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