Dwarfing Tool to Cincture and Girdle Fruit Trees (forum)
3 responses
Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery starts with ...
Dwarfing fruit trees through cincturing or girdling is an age old practice. Advantages and uses are:
- Dwarfing
- Forcing plants to fruit quicker such as seedlings.
- Fruiting outside of seasonal times
- Alternating branches to fruit every 2nd year.
Has anybody been cincturing or girdling their fruit trees?
If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask below.
Here is a blog with some more specific information on the dwarfing tool:
You can buy them off ebay or through Daleys here:
Pictures - Click to enlarge
Picture: 1
Time: 8th November 2015 12:26pm
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Original Post was last edited: 8th November 2015 12:26pmAbout the Author Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
36 Daleys Lane, Geneva via Kyogle, NSW 2474
#UserID: 5172
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A.C says...
Ive got a twin grafted apple gala/ pink lady tree approx six years old which will not fruit if at all. I have pruned the tree properly and stll no difference.I would like to try this sincture method .The tree has flowered already this year and one fruit has set.Do you sincture the bark all the way round? How far up from the trunk do you sincture it? What type of sincture pattern should I use just a ring or screw pattern? Is it too late for this year? When should I do it? Honestly this is the last chance for this tree as I have the chainsaw ready to do its job.Thank you.
Time: 9th November 2015 8:21pm
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About the Author AC1
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Greg says...
If the apple is flowering and not setting fruit, it maybe a pollination problem. Cincturing works best with over vigorous trees or trees that are heavily pruned and only push vegetative growth. Best timing to Cincture such trees in the Summer months. Best to alternate branches and do some trials at different times of the year. Good luck
Time: 10th November 2015 10:25am
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About the Author Greg
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Andy123455 says...
I bought this great little tool a few weeks ago and have been playing around on a few trees that wont matter if I kill them but I am unsure if I am making the cuts deep enough. Should I be making a strip the same depth as you would for a marcot or do you still want to leave some of the connecting tissue in place?
Time: 13th March 2016 6:52pm
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About the Author Andy123455
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