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eggs on tomatoe plants leaves and plant deterioratio (forum)

2 responses

tooty_fruity starts with ...
Hi there.

Would anyone be able to tell me what the eggs on the underleaf of my tomatoe plant is? They werent there yesterday.

Also, Im seeking general advice also. For the last week my plant has been yellowing from the base of the stem upward.
I searched online and saw there are lots of reasons for yellowing leaves.

It was in direct sun everyday and watered (not the leaves) every evening and sometime in middle of the day if the soil is drying, so the soil was never dry. It sat on a step in order to get sun. Gets seasonal fortnightly and so far has only been fertilised once as its a new plant.

So after reading about various things it could be, I have kept it in sun, but moved it to the shade dueing noonday heat, snipped off yellowing branches, given it more seasonal, I gave it a little bit more potting mix, moved it to a different location so it didnt get the breeze, sprayed it with anti-aphid/insect spray once in the evening.

I dont water the leaves and have left it in the pot to avoid wilt virus.

The yellow leaves were looking orange and burnt today.

Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks
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Time: 7th May 2014 6:53pm

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About the Author tooty_fruity
#UserID: 9874
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MaryT says...
Hi tooty_fruitie - plants can be ungrateful, can't they? You gave this plant every attention yet it fails to thrive. Ummm whatever the 'eggs' are your little guy can't afford to host it so rub them off asap. They will probably turn into caterpillars and eat up your whole plant. As to the rest; may I suggest you over catered for it? Too much water, too much 'seasonal' (do you mean seasol?) etc. Is it in a well drained potting mix? Unfortunately if it's damping off it might not survive.

Time: 8th May 2014 5:47am

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Original Post was last edited: 8th May 2014 5:46am
About the Author MaryT
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tooty_fruity says...
Hi Mary T
Thanks for your response. Just reread some of my post and the spelling is shocking! Yes I meant Seasol. The mix, soil and pot has good drainage.

I moved it yesterday away from the breeze. Look the same today, no better or worse, but will see.

Time: 8th May 2014 1:48pm

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About the Author tooty_fruity
#UserID: 9874
Posts: 5
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