Feijoas Flower But Never Fruit (forum)
1 responses
Elizabeth starts with ...
I have 2 Feijoa bushes planted side by side, Its the small leaved type with the silvery undersides to the leaves they are about 9 yrs old they flower but have never fruited What am I doing wrong ??
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Time: 16th November 2007 8:53am
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About the Author Elizabeth1
Nerang, QLD
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Correy says...
Pollination is most likely your solution.
I am not sure which varieties you have however most varieties although it is possible to pollinate with the same Feijoa variety they produce best with cross-pollination.
It is quite interesting that the flowers are edible of the Feijoa and you can use them in salads. Birds can pollinate the flowers for you but often eat the flowers.
Most pollination is from bees so when they are flowering it might be worth while to have a look and see if there are bees going from one flower on one Feijoa to another flower on the other Feijoa.
Since you haven't had any fruit yet I think it would be well worth your while trying hand pollination which can be very successful with Feijoas.
If you get a brush and collect the pollen of one flower and transfer it to the other Feijoas flower this should help your fruit to set after flowering.
Some people have said that they can get 100% fruit set by doing hand pollination with Feijoas.
If you try hand pollination with no success I would try sourcing a totally different feijoa variety and plant it nearby.
Further Reading
Feijoa Description, Tips & Comments - Daleys Website - David Whites tips are particularily useful for this question.
Time: 16th November 2007 9:24am
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About the Author Correy
Woolloongabba, QLD
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