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Fertilising Plum and Peach trees (forum)

3 responses

au0rey starts with ...
Is it the right time to fertilise deciduous trees now? I have a peach tree on my rental property and a plum tree on my new property.

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Time: 27th June 2009 5:51pm

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John I. says...
There won't be any growth over winter so no you shouldn't fertilize now. Fertilize in spring when you start to see some growth.

Time: 27th June 2009 6:47pm

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About the Author JohnI
#UserID: 1975
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John I. says...
Au0rey, having said that, Glowinski recomends fertilizing peach in autumn.

Time: 27th June 2009 10:05pm

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About the Author JohnI
#UserID: 1975
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au0rey says...
Thanks loads!

Time: 28th June 2009 4:11pm

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