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Fruit Tree Identification

    1 responses

Shirlgra starts with ...
I am trying to identify the above tree which I have lost the label. It is about two metres tall, has grown quite rapidly, gets quite dark red new growth, hasn't fruited or flowered to date. I was wondering if it could be a star apple however the back of the leaves are green and there are no hairs on the new growth of the branches. Thanks in anticipation:)
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About the Author
21st July 2013 8:28am
#UserID: 8112
Posts: 1
View All Shirlgra's Edible Fruit Trees

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Original Post was last edited: 21st July 2013 8:30am
JakfruitEttiquette says...
Looks like Syzygium Rose Apple, same family as lillypilly and gumtree. Should have scented leaves.
About the Author
jakfruit etiquette
21st July 2013 9:24am
#UserID: 5133
Posts: 915
View All jakfruit etiquette's Edible Fruit Trees
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