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?Fungus on coffee plant (forum)

6 responses

Rhys starts with ...
Hi everybody,

I've got an arabica coffee plant that seems to have some thing attacking its leaves. It has some white spots which i'm thinking is probably a fungus of some kind? But there are also some brown spots at the tips of some leaves but also in the middle of others. It gets full sun until about 11:30 AM so some of it could be sunburn, but it even seemed to be happening over winter. It's growing in a pot, and i moved it into a bigger pot about 1-2 months ago, but it hasn't seemed to make any difference. It's pretty well protected from wind. There are quite a few ants around the pot and plant, but i've generally managed to stay on top of any scale.

Any advice on what it might be and how best to treat it?
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Time: 18th September 2010 8:49pm

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About the Author Getafix
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amanda says...
Rhys - it reminds me very much of a plant (kangaroo vine) I had indoors for about a year that I then put outside in what I thought was a shady spot....the tiny bit of direct sunlight that it did get was enough to do the exact same thing...then the cold got to it as well....how cold has it been there?

I am only guessing here - but it doesn't look like a fungus (IMO) - and the leaves look a nice healthy green otherwise. The holes I am not sure of - but "burnt patches" (thru' heat, cold, fert burn etc..) will usually fall out like that - as far I have experienced. It's also a pattern that suggests the part of the leaf exposed to the sun/cold is the part affected? Are there leaves that don't get any direct light/coldness that are ok?

I would also just check behind the leaves with a cheap hand held magnifying glass - on the off chance it has a spider mite or such.

I haven't grown coffee - but isn't it an understory plant?

Time: 18th September 2010 9:50pm

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Original Post was last edited: 18th September 2010 9:52pm

About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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Rhys says...
Thanks Amanda...yes it is an understory plant, and i'm planning to move it to an area with more "dappled" sun some time in the next few weeks as the weather warms up. Winter has been a bit variable, with some very cold days including the first frost i cam remember since we moved here in 2007, but at other time relatively mild. These problems predate the frost though, and new bits have formed since then.

Yes, you're right, the colour of the leaves in general is pretty good, and it's putting out new growth no probs, but it's just that the white spots are becoming more prevalent (affecting more leaves, as well as more of each leaf)and i wasn't sure the best way to manage it.

I don't think the white patches are necessarily related to brown spots.

It's hard to tell if it's only the "exposed" parts that are affected as the plant has been moved around a bit recently with re-potting etc so it hasn't always been the same side facing the sun.

I'll see if i can find a magnifying glass somewhere!

Time: 18th September 2010 10:36pm

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About the Author Getafix
#UserID: 3112
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M Nash says...
Rhys, It looks fine to me, It is just hating where it is right now.
I see new growth comming on fine.
Have a good look around your garden and think "rainforrest"
That is where to stick it.
They also love rotting leaf mulch and never let them dry out in the sun.
There is the trick of coffee.
No wind, Just moist soil, heaps of N, will grow in shade as long as there is sun to reach at, Warm aspect.
In the wild they look like lantana. Not very atractive but if you look at where lantana grows, You will grow a coffee.

Time: 18th September 2010 10:57pm

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About the Author MNash1
Terranora Northern NSW
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Steven says...
Hey Rhys.

I have the same white spots on one of my coffee trees. They are all in the same area but one of them could be a little more exposed which is causing the spots. I dont think its a fungus. to me i think it looks like a deficiency so i gave them alot of manure pellets and i think it helpt. they are under a pergola which has a grape vine growing over it so that gives it partial shade but in the evening they get a bit of full sun so it could just has easily been over exposure

I wouldnt worry about it too much though.

Make sure they are in partial shade, they are waterer well every few days and have plenty of fertilizer. From my experience they are quite easy to grow even in the suburbs of melbourne.



Time: 19th September 2010 10:22am

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About the Author Steven
Eastern Melbourne
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Rhys says...
Well i've moved it onto the front verandah where it will get only partial morning sun, and should be even more protected from wind, so we'll see how we go.

The white spots do still seem a bit strange to me because not every leaf has them, i seem to be able to scrape it off, and this is the first year i've noticed it.

Anyway, we'll see how it goes in the new position.


Time: 28th September 2010 11:19am

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About the Author Getafix
#UserID: 3112
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amanda says...
Oh - you can scrape off the white spots Rhys? It's not downy or powdery mildew starting up is it?
Do you water the leaves as well?

This site is really gross (but interesting) and there are pics on May 10 and May 16 that may interest you. Probably a bit "out there" but u never know!?


Time: 29th September 2010 7:13pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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