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Giant choko ? (forum)

23 responses

snottiegobble starts with ...
I have been growing green chokos successfully for 2 seasons & got my original seed choko from a farmers market, but today in a Salvo`s store there were a number of chocos for sale that I have never seen before! A big 20c meant I could bring one home & compare it to my own! In the photo on the left my own full grown typical fruit wrinkles an all! On the right is this smooth skinned monster that feels more like an apple! It is already producing a sprout to begin a new vine. Anyone familiar with this variety?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 20th June 2012 1:03am

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About the Author snottiegobble
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amanda says...
never seen one like that either SG!? this will be interesting! U should get another one to eat and see what it tastes like..?

Time: 20th June 2012 9:13am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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snottiegobble says...
Not enough interest here Amanda so I`m taking it to Perth gardeners!

Time: 21st June 2012 11:59am

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About the Author snottiegobble
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amanda says...
Too temperate SG!? lol...I actually found 2 white choko's on the chuck out table at F&V shop - and one was sprouting too!?
I wonder if the white one's taste any different either?

Time: 21st June 2012 10:57pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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snottiegobble says...
Coincidence Amanda!!! Costa opened G A with both a green & a white choko tonight & he hadnt seen a white one before either! I managed to get some more smooth giants from the Salvos & one has your name on it!

Time: 23rd June 2012 9:58pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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amanda says...
How bizarre SG...I missed it last night - will watch today :) Keep it going SG - I will be down there soon! (getting excited now...2 months is going to go by slow..)

Do u think if I plant this white one now, in a pot, that I can keep it like that for 2 or 3 months..?
If it fruits u can have some too :)

Time: 24th June 2012 12:13pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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Julie says...
amanda, where are you actually moving to? Didn't realise you were that close to the big move.

Time: 24th June 2012 8:21pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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amanda says...
Hey Julie - we are moving to Leschenault :) When we get there (2 months) I will post some pics...(don't want to jinx all the house settlements..)
The house already has a small orchard, veg patch and good bore water (phew!) and double the rainfall..!
And the property is all organic (same owner for 30yrs) so I am very happy about that...

Time: 25th June 2012 9:31am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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MaryT says...
Lucky you; Amanda! I will google Leschenault when I have more time and energy. I'm sure you'll make a happy home and garden there. I wish you a successful and trouble free relocation.

Time: 25th June 2012 1:10pm

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About the Author MaryT
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amanda says...
Gee thanks MaryT...that's a really nice thing to say :) Here is a sneak peek at part of the garden - so different to here!? lol.. Will be a little colder so not sure which of my subtropicals will be happy or not - but no frost - so that's helpful.

I am hoping to get a little of both worlds - with maybe some low chill cherries or cane berries ;-)

It will be exciting to be able to shop for fruit trees etc again! I am going to give jackfruit a try there (as it grows in Perth - and this only 1.5hrs south 150kms)..?

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 25th June 2012 6:58pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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Julie says...
That looks wonderul amanda! A ready-made garden!

Time: 25th June 2012 9:02pm

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Original Post was last edited: 25th June 2012 9:03pm

About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Brendan says...
Certainly does look good amanda, do you know what type of soil it is? Hope it's not WA sand! :-(

I'd be losing some of those trees close to the house :-)

Time: 26th June 2012 6:34am

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Original Post was last edited: 26th June 2012 6:35am

About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
Lol...it's sand Brendan! But I know what to do with it now ;-) The owner has done a good job tho and I saw lots of worm castings around.

A bit of work to do - too many non-food producing plants I reckon!? They are all bush blocks in this area - so lots of gum trees...a fire would be a problem Brendan.

Some issues that are new to me as a gardener that I will need to learn about - including possums..! :-O

But not starting from scratch again thankfully...I don't think I could do that again..eek! So grateful this garden (Gero one) won't be going under the developers bulldozer tho... :)

Time: 26th June 2012 9:16am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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Jantina says...
Looks great Amanda. Also looks like you might get more "bang for your buck" workwise in this new garden. I hope it all goes smoothly for you.
Think your thread has been hijacked Snottie, but it's for a good cause!

Time: 26th June 2012 12:20pm

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About the Author Jantina
Mt Gambier
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snottiegobble says...
Absolutely Jantina, I cant wait for Amanda to live a normal life! She will have Nick at home nighttime & NOT be fighting the elements like she has in Gero all these years! Just hope she doesnt become a suburban snob! :-)

Time: 26th June 2012 8:14pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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snottiegobble says...
Amanda 2 friends called in yesterday
( Merry Bee organic farm) & they told me they had chokos in pots ready to plant out so I will do the same for you & others!

Time: 26th June 2012 8:18pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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amanda says...
Cool - thanks SG :) And thanks for nice words too guys. I am a bit sad at leaving all my babies (plants) behind after watching them grow from seed and tubestocks...you get to know every little thing about them - each pruning cut and the bruises along the way...

This year has been very exciting here as the trees have become big enough that most have birds nests in them.

Nothing better than starting the day with lots of birdsong... :)

But I am happy that we have left this patch in better shape than when we found it - and that was the whole idea ;)

Time: 27th June 2012 9:26am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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Prue says...
Hi Amanda,
Are you still in Geraldton, and if by chance do you have any fruit trees etc in pots that you don't plan to take down south when you move? I am in White Peak and would be happy to buy some plants from you if you cant relocate them.
Cheers Prue.

Time: 1st September 2012 1:12pm

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About the Author Prue
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amanda says...
Hi Prue - I am sorry but we have already left. I couldn't really dig up anything once the offer went in tho - as the new owner wanted the trees.
We were right next 2 you too...

Time: 1st September 2012 7:28pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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snottiegobble says...
HUGE SMOOTH CHOKOS grown in Margaret River some would be over a kilo! They were available at FAIR HARVEST permaculture centre, M.R. at their monthly Swap, shuffle share meeting'for seeds, plants vegies, fruit etc.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 2nd September 2012 1:20pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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MaryT says...
SG that's not a choko, that's a boulder! Has anyone tasted one yet? I like them sliced and stir fried; sweet and crunchy.

A good article on choko: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/08/28/1062050612273.html

Time: 3rd September 2012 9:07am

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Original Post was last edited: 3rd September 2012 9:13am
About the Author MaryT
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amanda says...
I might see you there soon SG!? :D Was great to finally talk to u on the phone for first time...gardeners have to be the best "networkers" that I know of? lol...

Time: 3rd September 2012 9:22am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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snottiegobble says...
Will find out when its on again & let you know. We could all make a day of it!
BTW. Time to change your whereabouts to a respectable 170km from Perth! :-)

Time: 3rd September 2012 5:13pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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amanda says...
oh yea - forgot that SG! :D And a new Edibles page too...when I have some that is!

Time: 4th September 2012 10:37am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. 400km north of Perth.
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