Guavas as a hedge? (forum)
1 responses
Cindy starts with ...
Has anyone planted Guavas as a hedge?
At the nursery today they had a strawberry guava and a pineapple guava and both swing tags said they could be used as a hedge.
I'm wondering how hight they grow and how closely togethor I would need to plant them?
What is the difference in taste and tolerance to wind
Time: 29th September 2007 4:37pm
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About the Author Cin
Central Coast NSW
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Leona says...
Yes!!! I have yellow strawberry guavas and also the regular red strawberry guavas as hedges along two of my fences. I planted one metre apart. They will grow around 2-3 metres tall (maybe a bit taller)...they are not a dense hedge though...if you want a dense, screening hedge, you would be better of going with Feijoa. Both tolerate wind well and both taste nice. Feijoa is better quality fruit if you get a named variety. Strawberry guavas are smaller fruit and they taste a little tart (the yellow variety are sweeter) and they are yummy. I prefer these over the Feijoas. Depending on your requirements, lilly pillys are another great fruiting hedge alternatuve, as are some of the citrus.
Time: 30th September 2007 9:52pm
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About the Author Leona
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