I think my passion fruit vine is dead?! (forum)
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Courtney starts with ...
So I got this vine for my birthday September 2015 and it was doing pretty well up until the last 4 months or so and its died really rapidly! The only thing i started doing different was fertilizing and i was using seasol but only every few weeks. Anyway so a few months ago the leaves started turning yellow and dropping off. At Christmas i bought a bag of soil with blood and bone to help it along so i mixed all that through the dirt hoping it would help but the vine continued to drop its leaves until there was none left. The bare vine then started turning brown and some parts went soft and was clearly dead so i cut it back to where there was still green. I see 2 new shoots i think but im scared the brown is going to reach the new shoots too and just continue to travel all through whats left of the green parts. Is there a chance it will still come back or is it too late? and have i done the right thing by cutting of all the brown/dead bits?
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Time: 19th January 2017 3:20pm
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