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Is anyone getting Cherimoya or custard apple fruit? (forum)

6 responses

RDavies starts with ...
Im keen to get some Cherimoya trees but I have read that in Australia, pollination is not good so they require hand pollination. Is this correct? Has anyone got much fruit from their Cherimoya without hand pollination?

Time: 11th May 2024 11:28am

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About the Author RDavies
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TyalgumPhil says...
Stephen Hutson

Time: 27th May 2024 11:30am

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Velella says...
No fruit. Heavy rain at flowering is the cause Maybe

Time: 30th May 2024 9:59pm

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Edward3 says...
I bought Paxton Prolific custard apple tree and it produced fruit fairly quickly. However, before the fruit ripened, the tree got collar rot and died. I am starting again but this time I am using Yates Anti Rot in Spring which seems to work.

Having said that, I appreciate that you are in Singleton and so am not sure if it's not too cold for a custard apple tree.

Time: 4th June 2024 10:39am

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About the Author Edward3
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RDavies says...
I have done a bit of research and it appears the cooler wet winters and hot, dry summers here will preclude me from growing custard apples unfortunately.

Time: 5th June 2024 7:14pm

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About the Author RDavies
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Danny333 says...
Hi RDavies, they grow fine here in Perth. The 40 degree days knock them around a bit but they’ll still produce plenty of fruit if hand pollinated.
My tree is in a 130L pot and has been there for 10 years. I top dress the pot with manure twice a year.

Time: 19th June 2024 10:58pm

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About the Author Danny333
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Velella says...
Cold ought not be a problem for cherimoyas They grow well in Bolivia mountains “ they like to see the snow but not feel it”. Local saying

Time: 20th June 2024 9:11am

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About the Author Velella
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