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kiwi fruit failure (forum)

3 responses

charlie starts with ...
I purchased these 2 kiwi fruit trees within the last six months. I have watered them, fed them with seeweed, no fertiliser. Why are they in this condition ?
Is it too hot in Brisbane for Kiwi fruit
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 26th September 2009 9:04am

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About the Author charlie4
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amanda says...
Hi Charlie - they look "burnt" - did u pour the seasol over the leaves? the only other thing it looks like is a potassium deficiency - whats your soil like? I doubt this is it tho'. Are they exposed to any bad winds?
I would just keep the water up to them, no more fertiliser, and wait until u get some new growth and take it from there.
Brisbane may well be too hot for them - I want to grow them here but it's a marginal climate. In which case there is not much u can do - except throw shadecloth over them?

Time: 26th September 2009 10:40am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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amanda says...
Charlie - are these the original leaves from when u bought the plants? They may just be tatty old leaves that should have dropped over winter but didn't cos' it's too warm over there?
My apple trees look the same (should be deciduous)

Time: 27th September 2009 10:20am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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Araich says...
I had a similar thing and it turned out to be a 'wet event' where the deeper roots had drowned over a few days of heavy rain. I dug them up and raised them 20cm onto little mounds and they're now fine.

On checking the roots I could see die-off around the collar/stem, and a reddish/brown area of root.

What was the outcome Charlie?

Time: 1st February 2010 12:45pm

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About the Author Araich
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