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Lime fruit browning (forum)

2 responses

Brenda4 starts with ...
All of the lime fruit start browning inside while still green then ripen quickly and drop off. Some of the fruit have telltale signs around stem but many don’t. Any advice appreciated.
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Time: 22nd May 2024 1:45pm

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About the Author Brenda4
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TyalgumPhil says...
Could it be lime disease?

Time: 29th May 2024 1:48pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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QRcode says...
Unfortunately, this is one of the negative traits of the variety. Tahitian is a great tasting lime, but it doesn't hang well on the tree when mature.
When left to ripen fully on the tree, it develops a physiological disorder called stylar-end rot, as shown clearly in your photo.
You have left them on the tree too long. It is best to pick the fruit green or greenish-yellow, to avoid this.

I would need a closer look, but it appears some of your fruit may also have been damaged by spined citrus bug, earlier in the year.

Time: 6th June 2024 8:36pm

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Original Post was last edited: 6th June 2024 8:46pm
About the Author QRcode
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