Loquat...planting questions (forum)
3 responses
Leona starts with ...
What would be the closest, safe distance to plant a grafted loquat to a house taking into consideration the size it will grow and its root system...whether or not it is invasive or not? Also, would it be ok about a meter or two away from a retaining wall (we are on the higher side)? Thanks in advance
Time: 3rd October 2007 11:19am
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About the Author Leona
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Mike says...
I have a 9 year old loquat that I prune quite a lot every 2 to 3 years. You can keep them to any size you like without disturbing their fruiting. They are a very hardy tree once established.
The roots go deep and do not spread very far from the tree.
I have mine about 4 metres from the house. When in full sun they grow quickly, mine is kept to about 2 metres across and 3 metres high.
As an added bonus, sometimes the tree fruits 2 to 3 times a year. I've read that in Australia it's supposed to fruit in November but mine always fruits in June - September.
Be warned, the fruit flies and birds love them, as does my 19 month old.
A medium sized tree provides so much fruit that you'll be hard pressed to eat all the fruit.
I've found the best way to serve the fruit is to cut them down the middle, remove the seeds with your fingers and then rip the skins off. The resemble half apricots when prepared this way and are appealing to people who've never tried them.
Also, as you are about to find out, they grow from seed very easily too, so unless you want 20 extra trees a year you should remove any fallen fruit from the garden.
Time: 12th October 2007 5:52am
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About the Author Mike4
Wollongong, NSW
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Leona says...
Thanks heaps for the info Mike...that was very helpful. I really like the sound of the that size you keep your tree - that sounds ideal. The spot that I would like to plant mine is around 4 metres from my house also. I cant wait to plant it now!
Time: 12th October 2007 2:18pm
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About the Author Leona
#UserID: 315
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Atif says...
just bought Loquat - Nagasakiwase from here on website. found this reply from Mike very helpfull.
i know its bit crazy at this stage, but can someone please advise me how long it will take before these tree start giving fruit? thanks.
and should i use top soil to plant them or they are good in any soil?
thanks'n regards
Time: 17th October 2007 3:48pm
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About the Author Atif1
Melbourne, VIC
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