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Macadamia tree (forum)

4 responses

Grumps starts with ...
Can anyone suggest a macadamia species that would grow well in coastal Victora area near Geelong. I am told that these trees have been grown successfuly in the area and am interested in trying. Also where would such a plant be supplied from.

Time: 2nd May 2010 2:53pm

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About the Author Grumps
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
There used to be a good nursery on the main road to Ocean Grove at Wallington which supplied fairly advanced macadamia varieties. I don't know if it is still in business tho. M. tetraphylla is supposed to be the more cold hardy of the two species but there are huge specimens of both in the Melbourne Botanical Gardens so you shouldn't have a problem in Geelong whichever you choose.
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Time: 2nd May 2010 3:35pm

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About the Author TyalgumPhil
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trikus says...
That might be my Uncles nursery , Van Loons , I heard the sons where still running it , and even met some ex-employees working in the industry up here .

Time: 2nd May 2010 6:47pm

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About the Author Trikus
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Grumps says...
Thanks trikus already tried Van Loons with no success.

Time: 11th May 2010 1:51pm

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About the Author Grumps
#UserID: 3682
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Grumps says...
Thanks Phil I will drive over to see if it is still in business.

Time: 11th May 2010 1:52pm

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About the Author Grumps
#UserID: 3682
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