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Panama Trees (forum)

4 responses

Kerryzanne starts with ...

I have been trying for quite a while to get a Panama Berry plant here in Perth - but with no luck.
I've been told plants are not allowed to be bought into WA from the eastern states, so I've been trying to find someone who sells the seeds.
If anybody knew where I could buy a plant in WA that would be great, if not, seeds from anywhere in Australia.

Time: 25th November 2010 8:33am

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About the Author Kerryzanne
#UserID: 4581
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Jimmy says...
Whats the botanic name?

If its what i think it is, seeds are not allowed either.

Time: 25th November 2010 6:08pm

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Original Post was last edited: 25th November 2010 6:09pm

About the Author Jimmy
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Diana says...
Would that be Panama Berry, Muntingia calabura, also called strawberry Tree Capulin cherry, Jamaica cherry or Malay Cherry?

I have one. It's sweet, but the fruit isn't amazing. The main thing you can say about is that it grows fast. I wouldn't say it's worth fretting over too much if you can't get one.

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Picture: 1

Time: 25th November 2010 9:48pm

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Kerryzanne says...
Thanks for the replies.
This is the iformation I was reading from a website:

PANAMA BERRY, Muntingia calabura
A highly ornamental tree that bears small red berries within its first year. Blossoming and producing all year round, the flowers are white and followed by small red fruit that is sweet with the taste of caramel. The trees are exceptionally attractive with long spreading branches that often droop down to the ground and soft weeping foliage. Trees are very fast growing and drought hardy once established. They can grow 5-10m in ideal conditions but respond well to being cut back so it is possible to keep them smaller than this making it easier to browse on the tempting little fruits. Panama berries will happily grow and fruit in large containers provided they have a good quality mix and a healthy layer of organic mulch to hold the moisture in. It is the ideal backyard tree if you have children as it is a lovely little shade tree as well as producing tempting little sweet treats. Used fresh or in jams.

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Picture: 1

Time: 25th November 2010 11:23pm

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About the Author Kerryzanne
#UserID: 4581
Posts: 2
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flgarden says...
Mine is not invasive, Its one quality makes it desirable easy to grow , bears fast , hard to kill, drought hardy. Tastes good. In 5 years it has moved 1 inch or failed to bear all summer every year . It grows like a vine. Ed

Time: 4th May 2011 6:39am

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About the Author flgarden
Brandon FL USA
#UserID: 5256
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