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passionfruit very bitter (forum)

4 responses

colby g starts with ...
I have 3 passionfruit vines growing over my chook run. all nelly kelly's and also a banana passionfruit.
the soil is lime/beachsand but they are fruiting well.I need to ask if anyone can tell me why the fruit is so bitter?

Time: 5th October 2010 12:22am

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About the Author colby g
esperance WA
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Brendan says...
Colby, try giving it some Epsom Salts (sorry Amanda :-), a handful to the sq metre around the root zone. That should sweeten them up.
To help sweeten the current crop, spray the vine with 30g epsom salts, in 4

Time: 5th October 2010 7:19am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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amanda says...
He he! are u eating the fruit now colby g? Or did u mean last season?
I agree with Brendan (shock horror!) :) especially the potash - don't overdo it tho'.
Lots of good manure also - passionfruit love their organic matter.

If u are eating them now and they are bitter it could also be cos' it's too cold. Mine have improved heaps in the last couple of weeks due to the jump in temp's.

Time: 5th October 2010 11:09am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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colby g says...
Yes im eating them now, they arnt so bad when made into soft serve icecream.
The funny thing is that i had one of each type but they seem to have mixed up somehow. the yellow ones are half purple and the red ones didnt turn out red. i dont mind tho because what we dont eat falls into the chooks and they dont mind the bitter taste at all. :P

Time: 5th October 2010 4:22pm

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About the Author colby g
esperance WA
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amanda says...
Hi colby g - funny how that happens..my "Big Red" is a small yellow and is as sour as a lemon....can't do anything about it sadly.

Time: 5th October 2010 7:21pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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