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Paw Paw disease (forum)

3 responses

Ian starts with ...
The leaves on our PawPaws have developed black spots and died off of the past couple of weeks. We have had about 160mm of rain in the past month and I fertilised them with Organic Extra before the rain. The smaller trees have started to shed fruit.
Any suggestions for a treatment. The site is steep and well drained. We have grown heaps of PawPaw trees of the past two years, but have never harvested a single fruit. Aaahhh!
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Time: 10th September 2011 4:43pm

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About the Author Ian16
#UserID: 5812
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Mike says...
Ian my trees seem to get those black spots on the leaves during the wet season eventhough I'm on a steep slope.I got well over 1000mm in feb. and I know places that got 2000mm in feb and the paw paws grow often grow out of it and do alright.I get loads of paw paws and even they can get the spots.It is different from tip dieback and anthracnose.
I made a fertiliser mix with superphosphate,potassium sulphate,epsom salt and micronutrients but only light on N and they came good.They don't seem to respond to any fungicide I tried.I would check the composition of your fertiliser for omissions, mulch alot and test the soil ph.Are there signs of rot also?

Time: 10th September 2011 4:58pm

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Brendan says...
Mike, when spraying fungicide on pawpaws, (like copper oxychloride), you MUST use a good wetting agent. I use Kenwet, but more than what they recommend.
Btw Ian, copper oxychloride 30g, in 4

Time: 12th September 2011 8:22am

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About the Author Brendan
Mackay, Q
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Ian says...
Thanks for the tips guys. No sign of rot in the tree but the I'm keeping an eye on the fruit, which we have lost with soft spots before.

Time: 16th September 2011 4:12pm

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About the Author Ian16
#UserID: 5812
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