Paw Paw Poorly (forum)
1 responses
Toni starts with ...
Need help... We had 4 metres of water through our yard January 2011... As part of the rebuild, I have planted fruit trees down the side of the drive way. Our bi-sexual pawpaw has rocket, planted in September with a stem 15mm across and standing about 35cm high, it is now over 2m and the trunk is about 120mm.. and laden with fruit.... (enter forboding music interlude) Two days ago we noticed yellowing leaves, followed by some green fruit falling. The yellow has now taken over the whole plant.... I know the soil is a bit on the grey clay side, although the planting was well treated with potting mix and friable materials.... This little vixen has been our beacon of light, but now seems to be on its way out. Would be very appreciative of any assistance....
Time: 17th March 2012 12:54pm
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About the Author Toni3
Rocklea, Brisbane
#UserID: 6703
Posts: 2
View All Toni3's Edible Fruit Trees
Mike says...
Toni for it to happen suddenly like that there is a good chance it is due to excess soil moisture.That is unless there has been a herbicide or excess fertlising event.They always do better on mounds and in well drained areas and the roots rot easily if in wet clay for too long.The better surface soils are likely to be only a few cms deep.If it is excess moisture then drainage of flows away and building soil up a little around the plant but not near the trunk are possible actions that could help.
Time: 17th March 2012 1:18pm
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