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Paw Paw Trees (forum)

33 responses

John starts with ...
I had planted a paw paw tree and it was going great - grew well and was loaded with fruit. then the leaves started to go yellow and now the fruit has become soft and is falling off. It's only about 8 months old - would this be a disease. Should I pull it out or just trim it back and see if new leaf appears. I put dolomite and cow manure and horse manure around tree during growth.Please help and what is the best way to plant them. I have it planted next to our shed for shelter from the wind as we bought this half acre block with nothing on it and had to start from scratch. please help.John

Time: 22nd May 2012 12:21pm

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About the Author John55
Biggenden queensland
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glennis says...
Too much manure/fertiliser . Dont give it anything else .

Time: 22nd May 2012 1:24pm

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About the Author glennis
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Mike says...
Carica monoica seems like a terrific little paw paw to grow and I don't know how the fruit will taste.Thanks John Mc.
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Time: 27th May 2012 4:36pm

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BJ says...
Mike, I have one that has been fruiting for a while. I've not eaten a fruit yet. I heard you are supposed to let it fall before eating, but they disappear when they fall... I'll eat one in the next few days as there would be 5-6 yellow/orange ones on the tree now. Im not expecting much in the taste department, but its a pretty enough thing.

Time: 27th May 2012 7:38pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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snottiegobble says...
John, papayas dont like wet feet so that could add to your woes!

Time: 31st May 2012 12:32pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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Mike says...
Today I got a small paw paw that I hope is a female.Looking at it's big sister the genetic diversity in Carica papaya is surprising.
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Time: 3rd June 2012 12:00am

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MaryT says...
Beautiful big leaves on that paw paw, Mike. We can get pineapples, pawpaw and papaya in the supermarkets right now and they're quite nice.

Time: 3rd June 2012 9:56am

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
The more normal looking red bisex types of paw paw might be more appealing to people especially the short cultivars.
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Time: 3rd June 2012 3:30pm

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MaryT says...
That's amazing Mike; is that as tall as it gets? Perfect for a pot?

Time: 3rd June 2012 6:24pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Mary it is a dwarf type and there are a few kinds of dwarfs around.They would be excellent for pots.I better get some seeds for you. Here are some other paw paw trees I pictured yesterday.
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Picture: 1

Time: 3rd June 2012 6:31pm

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Mike says...
This picture of a solo style didn't come through the first time.
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Time: 3rd June 2012 6:33pm

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MaryT says...
Mike you've really opened our eyes to all sorts of possibilities; if only we share the same climate. Sigh.

Time: 3rd June 2012 6:43pm

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About the Author MaryT
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snottiegobble says...
Mike, I see this last tree is multi stemmed! Is that because you chopped off the top at some stage or you did some grafting? C. monioca looks so different in its fruiting habit, do you know where they come from?

Time: 4th June 2012 4:39pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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Mike says...
The solo was cyclone trimmed 2 years ago.Monoica comes from Peruvian highland or was that Ecuador? I have heard they are better cooked and conflicting reports about their tastiness.

Time: 4th June 2012 5:06pm

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John Mc says...
Mike, your Monoica should be close to fruiting I suspect? Mine is just starting to flower. I left most of them in 8" pots for now, probably will leave them till it warms up the other side of winter before I plant them out.

Time: 4th June 2012 5:54pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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Mike says...
John Mc look at the pic on this thread from May 27th.I kept 2 and gave the rest away.One is 70cm with pecan sized fruit.The other is only 40cm with no fruit at all but gets too much shade.

Time: 4th June 2012 5:59pm

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Mike says...
Mary dwarfs go better in pots than big types.
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Time: 4th June 2012 9:19pm

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MaryT says...
Mike you're kidding me - don't tell me that is not a plastic tree. How is it possible?

This is what your tree reminds me of :)
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Picture: 1

Time: 4th June 2012 10:50pm

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Original Post was last edited: 5th June 2012 8:56am
About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Mary I saw it on the internet and don't know if it is real.
Here are some real garden fruit.
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Picture: 1

Time: 5th June 2012 7:06pm

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David says...
Hi Mike ,hope you dont mind me joining in , this was picked on last sunday
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Time: 5th June 2012 7:29pm

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About the Author David
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MaryT says...
That's a big one David. Mike I noticed you pick yours green and David pick his ripe so what's the best deal?

Time: 5th June 2012 7:31pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
David I would rather see what you have and what other people have than my stuff.People will be getting bored with my input I am sure.The paw paw on the left of my pic is 1.3 kg so yours is a good deal larger.Was your one red,yellow or orange fleshed?

Time: 5th June 2012 7:35pm

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David says...
Mary ,here in brisbane at this time of the year there isnt much heat in the sun so i let the winter pawpaws ripen on the tree ,its touch and go ,judging when to pick to beat the possums, only in the summer do i pick slightly green to ripen later , this pawpaw is a red fleshed ,and very sweet ,no bitter, overtones.

Time: 5th June 2012 7:36pm

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About the Author David
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MaryT says...
I've had two on my tree for ages but they're still solid green so I guess I have to leave them if they survive this crazy storm. CAN'T WAIT.

Time: 5th June 2012 7:43pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Mary I did hear there was some inclement weather in Sydney.Green paw paw salad is an option if you can't wait.The weather is the oppposite here and the dry season started on Sunday and it was a sunny day.
David it did look like a red one.My are pretty ood reds as well with all being a new commercial sweet red.I am not very tolerant of any that have hydrocarbon overtones.

Time: 5th June 2012 7:56pm

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MaryT says...
They're huge and I don't fancy making a gigantic paw paw salad! Just hope they ripen.

Time: 5th June 2012 8:06pm

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About the Author MaryT
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David says...
Mike i agree, those overtones make you want to vomit, cant understand why they sell them in the shops. Cant remember when i bought a shop pawpaw, we only eat them when the home grown ones are ready. home grown is best eh.And Mike i never tire of listening to your escapades, ill try and post some pics of the garden to show you all, not much happening right now ,all in suspended animation till spring

Time: 5th June 2012 9:45pm

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About the Author David
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Grant says...
Hi Guys, I'm having some trouble with something stinging my paw paws. Does this look like fruit fly?
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Picture: 3

Time: 6th June 2012 7:52pm

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About the Author Grant
Lennox Head
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Julie says...
Can't see any little white maggots.

Time: 6th June 2012 8:55pm

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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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Mike says...
It doesn't look like FF and Qfly doesn't often attack paw paws.The rot looks fungal like anthracnose and will diminsh the flavour and keeping qualities.The small spots are pretty common on fruit and are no big deal not influencing anything but appearance.I don't know if insects actually cause them or not.

Time: 6th June 2012 9:48pm

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Grant says...
Yeah Julie, one that i let get fully ripe had little white grubs, so since then i've been cutting them open earlier before the rot sets in. They have a great taste!

Anthracnose sounds serious! My plan was to see out the winter and perhaps the insect (if that's what it is) will back off. If not then perhaps it is something fungal. I hope not though, insects seem much easier to deal with!!

Time: 7th June 2012 7:21pm

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About the Author Grant
Lennox Head
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BJ says...
Here is my c. monoica today. The fruit would get a bit bigger if i watered or fertilised it, but i just stuck it in the corner to take care of itself, and it has done quite well.
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Picture: 1

Time: 13th September 2012 7:02pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Very productive tree and pretty fruits. Well done BJ!

Time: 13th September 2012 7:22pm

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About the Author JUJUBE FOR SALE
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
How do they taste BJ? Worth seeking out?

Time: 13th September 2012 8:09pm

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