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Peach Tree

    1 responses

Casey starts with ...
Hi there, my peach tree flowered beautifully and now it is covered in tiny peaches. I have read that i need to thin it out, which i will do but just wondering what sort of spray or insect deterrant i can use to protect the fruit?
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About the Author
29th September 2011 6:37am
#UserID: 5895
Posts: 1
View All Casey's Edible Fruit Trees

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au0rey says...
Hi Casey, I dont think you can spray anything till harvest as it will affect the peaches. Usually for my trees, the birds are the pests as they like to come peck the fruits. I use nets cut to size to wrap the branches.
About the Author
29th September 2011 8:44am
#UserID: 1600
Posts: 165
View All au0rey's Edible Fruit Trees

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