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Pecan leaf fall (forum)

3 responses

Jeff starts with ...
The attached pic show my 16M high 25 year + old pecan nut tree which has been doing this for a few years now. The leaves go brown and fall off, new ones grow but do not stay on, another tree in the yard is fine. We cut down a large claret ash tree last year with a similar problem, the tree lopper said the tree was green even though it grew no leaves except for one branch wich dropped its leaves as a whole rather than singular as it usually did.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Time: 7th January 2012 2:45pm

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About the Author Jeff
Griffith NSW
#UserID: 6360
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amanda says...
It's a bit hard to see the tree in the little pics Jeff :-( But if you want to save this lovely big and valuable tree it might be worth calling in an expert...?

It's not on a boundary fence is it..?

Time: 8th January 2012 10:04am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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jeff says...
Thanks Amanda
No, its in the centre of the yard, its a budgie avairy next to the tree

Time: 9th January 2012 9:17pm

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amanda says...
Hey jeff - that's good (I had a horrible thought of a neighbourhood tree poisoning...) Someone else may know about pecan here.
I am always hestitant to comment on large trees like that...(not being a professional etc..)
It seems strange to me that a tree can make it to such a size and then start dying off....it could be one of many things but it would be very hard to imagine that it's any kind of nutrient deficiency that has 'suddenly' raised it's head...

If u do get someone to look at it - I'd be really interested to know the verdict?

Time: 10th January 2012 10:08am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
#UserID: 2309
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