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Persimmon Tree from Seed (forum)

3 responses

Anonymous starts with ...
I grew a persimmon from what I thought was a seed from a non-astringent persimmon fruit bought from my local greengrocer and fruiterer, however the fruit from this tree (approx 6 years from seed) is astringent. How do I make the fruit more palatable? Are non-astringent persimmons grafted?
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Time: 6th May 2013 10:03pm

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About the Author number81
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jakfruit yetiquette says...
Try waiting for them to soften, and see how the texture and flavor is then.
Are they seedless, or seeded ? ie is there are a pollinator tree nearby ?
This can effect astringency.
try to research pollinator variable/pollinator constant types.
Astringent varieties usually have a much richer flavor than non astringent, but some people prefer the crisp texture of non astringent. Seedlings may not be as good as known varieties, ie seedling rootstock suckers may only be just ok to eat. Other seedlings can be very good.
Just luck of the draw.
If you have access to a supply of old sake barrels, I think you can store astringent fruit in those to improve the fruit. Commercial orchards will usually have pollinator trees of one variety, and cropping trees of another variety, so seeds of commercial fruit are likely to produce variable types, but non astringent seedlings are possible.
If you aren't happy with the taste+texture of the softened fruit, may have to graft it to non astringent.

Time: 6th May 2013 11:25pm

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About the Author jakfruit yetiquette
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J says...
I've got a few astrigent varieties growing. I find the best way to ripen astringent fruit is the put the persimmons in a plastic bag with an apple and/or banana. They will ripen in about 4-5 days tops and be non-astringent in taste. This is what I'm doing now for my own crop.

Time: 7th May 2013 3:54pm

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About the Author J
upwey, victoria
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Anonymous says...
Thanks for your response. Its a lone tree, however I have another non flowering tree. I don't think there are any other trees in my neighborhood. THe persimmons have seeds. What shown in the photo above is pickings from one broken branch. I am waiting for others to tree ripen before picking. Those that have ripen soft are still unpalatable. I am thinking of cutting the tree down and buy a non astringent persimmon tree from the nursery.

Time: 7th May 2013 7:54pm

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About the Author number81
#UserID: 5197
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