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Pest (forum)

3 responses

Jenko starts with ...
Hi can anyone tell what this insect is and how do I protect my plant for them? They bit my young peaches, avocados and the tips of my frangipani plants.. Than Jenko
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Time: 15th November 2013 1:32pm

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About the Author Jenko
Boyne Island
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Mike Tr says...
It is one of the worst bug pest of all...Ablypelta or the fruit spotting bug.They trash paw paws,guavas,abius and many other species as well.Control is not easy but the first step could be to physically squash these agile bugs especially the orange juveniles.

Time: 15th November 2013 1:54pm

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About the Author Mike Tr
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Tony D says...
Hi yes these are very distructive bugs, I have found one bug can do an enormous amount of damage and has to be caught/squashed. I made up a document for friends/family all about them and the life cycle pics if you are interested and will try to upload.
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Time: 21st November 2013 7:46am

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About the Author Tony D
Tannum Sands
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BJ says...
Good work Tony.
We get lots of these and plenty of closely related pod suckers, which prefer pigeon peas, but will occasionally go for fruit. Luckily, this year, I have seen many assassin bugs, so hopefully they will keep the Amblypelta numbers in check naturally.

Time: 21st November 2013 10:14am

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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